In the News - 2021

Pediatric and obstetric health leaders from Stanford Medicine Children’s Health and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford are frequently highlighted in local and national media for providing world-class, extraordinary care to children and expectant mothers. Following is a sampling of these media appearances.

December 2021

What is the Role of Data Analytics in Population Health Management 12/30/21 Brendan Watkins, chief analytics officer at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, addresses the social determinants of health and why it’s important to collect data from patients to better understand environmental factors that could influence an individual’s health.

Case rates for Bay Area kids are soaring as omicron spreads. Here’s what pediatricians are seeing San Francisco Chronicle 12/30/21 Despite high vaccination rates, the Omicron variant is causing a rise in cases across the Bay Area and beyond. Roshni Mathew, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) (Roshni Mathew, MD), San Jose Mercury, San Francisco Chronicle, The Stanford Daily, and San Jose Spotlight (Jorge Salinas, MD)

Omicron Will Spike Likely in the Middle of January: Medical Expert ABC News 12/29/21 Alok Patel, MD, discusses the latest on the Omicron surge and confusion for some over the latest CDC guidance on isolating after a COVID-19 infection.
Also see: CNN (Jason Wang, MD), ABC World News, ABC World News, and Bay Area NBC (KNTV 11) (Yvonne Maldonado, MD), ABC News,, ABC News, and CBN News (Alok Patel, MD), CBS5 Bay Area (KPIX-TV) (Anne Liu, MD), Bay Area Telemundo (KSTS-48), Bay Area ABC (KGO-7), and Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) (Jorge Salinas, MD)

FDA Approves First Shot to Prevent HIV Everyday Health 12/29/21 The shot is approved for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a treatment to prevent HIV among individuals at high risk. Geoffrey Hart-Cooper, MD, says this has the potential of being a game changer for people who have challenges taking a daily pill.

Top 3 Nutritional Tips for a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season: Navigating Eating Around the Holidays for Children Health Professional Radio 12/29/21 Venus Kalami, MNSP, RD, CSP, pediatric dietitian and nutritionist, discusses ways for families to model a compassionate and more sustainable approach to nutrition for their children during the holiday season.

Rare Cases of Myocarditis in Adolescents, Young Adults After COVID-19 Vaccination Cardiology Advisor 12/29/21 Elizabeth Profita, MD, discusses the latest the risks and relevant treatment recommendations of myocarditis associated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Fact Check: Onions Aren’t a Cure for Nasal Congestion in Babies USA Today 12/28/21 A Facebook post claims that placing a freshly cut onion near a child with a cold will treat nasal congestion. Rafael Pelayo, MD, says this claim is not scientifically based.

5 Alternatives to Swaddling That Are Just as Effective 12/28/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

Stanford University: Four Decades Of Saving Kids’ Hearts: Stanford Medicine Children’s Health Celebrates Its 500th Pediatric Heart Transplant India Education Diary 12/27/21 David Rosenthal, MD, shares how this milestone is a celebration of Stanford’s longstanding commitment to pediatric heart transplantation.

South Bay Bike Drive Nets 39 Two-Wheelers for Uplift Family Services East Bay Times, San Jose Mercury News 12/26/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health donated 40 helmets to Uplift Family Services, who distributed the bikes to local at-risk youth.

“I Don’t Like Needles”: How to Support Kids with Vaccine Anxiety Phlebotomy Tech Program 12/26/21
Kellen Glinder, MD, shares tips on how to talk to kids about the COVID-19 vaccine and needles.

The Ghosts of COVID: Past, Present, and Future. India Currents 12/23/21 Roshni Mathew, MD, discusses the surge in COVID-19 among kids, stating that one reason for the pediatric curve is because of the early vaccine approval for adults. Pediatric hospitalizations and deaths due to Covid still remain rare.
Also see: L.A. Focus, LA OPINIÓN

COVID Vaccines for Kids: What to Know About Boosters and More CNET 12/19/21 Anne Liu, MD, gives the latest information about vaccines and what to prepare for during your child’s Covid-19 vaccine appointment if they have allergies.
Also see: Bay Area KQED (Julie Parsonnet, MD), (Anne Liu, MD), San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Univision (KMEX 34), and San Jose Spotlight (Jorge Salinas, MD)

Vaccine Boosters for Teens: What to Know About COVID-19, Omicron and Kids Biz News Post, 12/19/21 Anne Liu, MD, discusses the steps a child should take when getting the COVID-19 vaccine if they have a history of anaphylaxis or other severe allergies.

Fully Vaccinated Is About to Mean Something Else The Atlantic 12/17/21 Grace Lee, MD, shares tips on how to talk to people to learn if they have been fully vaccinated.

'Delay Our Gatherings': Stanford Doctor Urges People to Take Omicron Seriously Ahead of Holidays Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 12/17/21 Jorge Salinas, MD, explains how to safely gather in groups for the holidays. The key is ensuring eligible people get vaccinated or getting tested beforehand.
Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), and Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), Bay Area Telemundo (KSTS 48), and Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) (Jorge Salinas, MD), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) (Anne Liu, MD)

Why Can’t I Get My Baby to Sleep Like a Baby? Seeker 12/17/21 Rafael Pelayo, MD, explains why healthy sleep habits are so important to cultivate early on.

Should Healthy, Vaccinated Pro Athletes Who Test Positive Play On? The Washington Post 12/16/21 Now that COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots are more widely available, the NFL is discussing a change in its protocols to allow asymptomatic players to return to the game after just one negative test versus two. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Stanford COVID Vaccine Van Delivers Doses to Kids in San Jose Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 12/16/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health Teen Van returned to Anderson Elementary School to administer 100 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to students ages 5-11. Parents also received booster shots.
Also see: Bay Area CBS Radio (KCBS), Bay Area NBC (KNTV 11), Central Coast NBC (KSBW 8)

J&J's COVID Vaccine on the Way Out? 12/16/21 CDC panel demotes vaccine but stops short of recommending against use. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

Women in Health IT to Watch in 2022 Becker’s Hospital Review 12/16/21 Lisa Grisim and Natalie Pageler, MD, are mentioned.

CDC Virus Tests Were Contaminated and Poorly Designed, Agency Says The New York Times 12/15/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, comments on how faulty coronavirus testing kits delayed the availability of more widespread testing.

More Teens Turn to Disposable Vapes Even as Industry Regulation Increases Fox 2 Bay Area (KTVU) 12/15/21 Recent FDA policy changes have done little to reduce teen vaping use, a Stanford Medicine study has found. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, PhD, discusses the study’s findings.
Also See: CBS News (Robert Jackler, MD), Stanford Medicine Children's Health News Center

Pfizer Announces that Coronavirus Pill is 90% Effective Bay Area Univision (KDTV 14) 12/14/21 Hector Bonilla, MD, discusses the effectiveness of Pfizer’s COVID-19 pill, how the pill works, and the costs that will be associated with this treatment.

Stanford Professor Shares Ways to Strengthen Resilience with Mindfulness Sacramento Fox (KTXL 40) 12/14/21 Greg Hammer, MD, shares strategies for mindfulness to strengthen a person’s resilience, especially ahead of the holiday stress.

Fact Check: Cold Weather is Associated With Increased Occurrence of Heart Attacks and Blood Clots USA Today 12/14/21 James Zehnder, MD, sorts fact from fiction after false claims swirl on social media saying there is no correlation between heart attacks and blood clots with cold weather.

How Access to Gender-Affirming Care Can Greatly Boost Mental Health of Trans Teens Healthline 12/14/21 Jack Turban, MD, discusses the importance of parental and guardian support for young people who might be experiencing gender dysphoria and who might want access to gender-affirming hormone therapy.

Advanced Endoscopy Procedures Underused in Children, Even at Tertiary Centers Gastroenterology and Endoscopy News 12/14/21 Monique Barakat, MD, discusses why the use of endoscopic ultrasound is relatively limited in children compared with adults.

That Brown, Hazy Air is Bad for Your Kids Los Angeles Times 12/13/21 Mary Prunicki, MD, PhD, discusses how fine particulate matter exposure can lead to increase ER visits and hospitalizations for asthma exacerbations among kids, as well as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Important Family Rituals for Raising Happy, Well-Rounded Kids Parent Herald 12/13/21 Stanford Medicine Children's Health experts say that sitting down for one meal together as a family will promote sensible eating habits and teach the kids good table manners, as dinner times are the best moments for communication and learning how to share or listen to each other.

Stanford Medicine Children’s Health Celebrates 500th Pediatric Heart Transplant at Stanford Becker’s Hospital Review 12/13/21 David Rosenthal, MD, shares how this milestone is a celebration of Stanford’s longstanding commitment to pediatric heart transplantation.
Also See: Associated Press, Yahoo Finance, WBOC-TV Salisbury, MD, iHealthyzone,, Street Insider, Stanford Medicine News Center

As California COVID Cases Rise, Antibody Treatments go Unused San Jose Mercury News 12/12/21 Upinder Singh, MD, comments on the lack of demand for monoclonal antibody therapy, which offers a shot of instant immunization for those who have already been infected with COVID-19.

Infection Protection vs. the Vax Politico 12/10/21 Prasanna Jagannathan, MD, explains why it’s important for people who have been infected by COVID-19 to still get the vaccine.

Catamenial Epilepsy Treatment Approaches: What a Gynecologist Needs You to Know Neurology Advisor 12/10/21 Nichole Tyson, MD, discusses the latest study on the diagnosis and management of catamenial epilepsy.

6 First Time Mom Milestones That Should Be Celebrated 12/10/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

Oakland Hospital Employees Test Positive for COVID-19 After Attending Out-of-State Wedding Bay Area Telemundo (KSTS 48) 12/9/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, comments on the importance of vaccinations after several Oakland hospital staff tested positive for COVID-19.

Winter Accidents to Avoid with Kids Chicago Parent 12/9/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

How a Stanford COVID Case Illustrates the Possible Connection Between Omicron and HIV San Francisco Chronicle 12/8/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, explains a theory about how the Omicron variant possibly came from an HIV-infected population.

Eshoo Announces $1 Million Grant for SCH Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo Newsroom 12/8/21 U.S. Rep. Anna G. Eshoo announced a $1 million grant for the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Children’s Hospital Graduate Medical Education Program. This federal program provides funding for children’s hospitals to train pediatric residents.

How Common are Toy-Related Injuries? Imperial Valley Press 12/8/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

5 Ways to Teach Kids How to be a Good Teammate Mom 12/8/21 Learning to be a good teammate is not always an easy trait to instill in kids. But once it is learned, everyone becomes a better player for it. Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

Equitable Access to Abortion Services is Not a Guarantee in San Jose, Despite ‘Haven’ of Options San Jose Inside 12/8/21 Sophia Yen, MD, warns about the dangers of people going to abortion services that that are not licensed medical clinics or staffed by medical professionals.

Preview: Step Up to the Plate Nob Hill Gazette 12/8/21 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford music therapy program is mentioned.

Instagram is Touting Safety Features for Teens. Mental Health Advocates aren’t Buying it. The Washington Post 12/7/21 Vicki Harrison, MSW, comments on the new safety features and how too much exposure to potentially harmful content can affect a teens mental health.

'An Emergency': Surgeon General Raises Alarm, Issues Rare Advisory Over Youth Mental Health Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 12/7/21 Steven Adelsheim, MD, discusses the rise of depression, anxiety, and ER visits for mental health challenges in youth.

These are the Best Hospitals to Have a Baby in Every State, According to US News & World Report USA Today 12/7/21 Elliot Main, MD, interviewed about the first-ever “Best Hospitals for Maternity Report” and how transparency around obstetric outcomes helps improve care. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is one of the hospitals to receive the designation.
Also see: Patch

How to Recognize Signs of Autism in Babies Fatherly 12/5/21 Awareness of autism has increased exponentially in recent years, but detection can be tricky, especially in very young children. Grace Gengoux, PhD, is quoted.

Yes, We Might Be Able to Take a Pill to Treat COVID Soon—Here's How That Will Change the Pandemic Parade 12/3/21 Prasanna Jagannathan, MD, explains the differences between the Merck and Pfizer COVID-19 pills.

Dust Mite Immunotherapy May Help Some with Eczema Medscape 12/2/21 Tina Sindher, MD, discusses the latest study on dust mite therapy and how the results are not robust enough to recommend the treatment widely.

Pandemic Sparked Key Innovations in Health Care, Experts Say Xpress Medical 12/2/21 Paul King, president and CEO of Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, and Grace Lee, MD, discuss how the world responded to the COVID health crisis and the recent approval of the use of the vaccine in children ages 5 to 11.

Standardized Screening Tool Helps Nurses Identify and Manage Maternal Sepsis Healthcare Business Insights December issue, Kelley Brennan Lee, RN, perinatal clinical practice specialist at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, is quoted.

November 2021

We Have the Ability to Help Stop the Spread of COVID Variants by Vaccinating Kids USA Today 11/30/21 Thomas K. Lew, MD, shares his opinion on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 through vaccinating children.

Why It Is Okay for New Moms to Say ‘No’ To Help BabyGaga 11/28/21 When help is needed, new moms should absolutely accept it. However, if they need some time without visitors, saying "no" is appropriate as well. Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

COVID Hit 13 Members of Their Family the First Time. A Year Later It Struck Again NPR 11/27/21 A family who was infected with COVID-19 twice raises questions about how possible it is to be reinfected. Julie Parsonnet, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Bay Area KQED

You Got Your COVID Booster, But How Long Will It Last? San Francisco Chronicle 11/27/21 Julie Parsonnet, MD, is quoted.

The Next Pandemic Politico Europe 11/26/21 Jason Wang, MD, sets out the lessons we can learn from east Asian countries like Taiwan and South Korea to better prepare for the next pandemic.

Experts Highlight Need to Focus on Emotional and Mental Health in Psoriasis Treatment 11/26/21 Justin Ko, MD, discusses how stress can exacerbate psoriasis, which lead to more stress, and the importance of understanding how the disease impacts a patient’s quality of life.

What We Can Learn from Babies’ Gut Microbiomes Discover Magazine, 11/23/21 As with adults, infants’ gut bacteria are less diverse than ever, which may play a role in disease progression later in life. C-sections and antibiotics may be partly to blame. Karl Sylvester, MD, is quoted.

Stanford Medicine to Enroll 900 in NIH-Funded Long-COVID Study Stanford Medicine News Center 11/22/21 Stanford School of Medicine is enrolling 900 COVID-19 survivors, including those experiencing lingering symptoms of the initial infection, to monitor over the next four years to study the full effects of COVID-19. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is one of the principal investigators.

How to Ensure Your Thanksgiving Doesn't Turn into a Super-Spreader Event ABC News 11/19/21 Anne Liu, MD, shares tips on how to safe during the holidays. Also see: MedPage Today and The New Statesman (Anne Liu, MD), NPR and O.C. Register (Julie Parsonnet, MD), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) and San Francisco Chronicle (Yvonne Maldonado, MD), CBS5 Bay Area (KPIX-TV), San Francisco Chronicle, and Black News Channel (Jorge Salinas, MD)

Everything You Should Know About Allodynia Healthline 11/19/21 Vivianne Tawfik, MD, PhD, is quoted.

At-Home COVID Tests Could Help Protect Most Vulnerable During Holiday Season, Doctors Say Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), Fresno Bee, Sacramento Bee 11/18/21 Alok Patel, MD, is quoted.

Ending the Costly Inequities in Pediatric Health Care US News and World Report 11/17/21 Lisa Chamberlain, MD, discusses the need to increase educational outreach and creative engagement that meet patients where they are to better improve pediatric health inequities.

COVID Vaccine Can Be Bundled with a Child's Routine Shots, Doctors Say, Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 11/17/21 Alok Patel, MD, discusses the need for children to get back on a regular vaccination schedule.
Also see: Fort Worth NBC, (KXAS 5), New York NBC (WNBC-4)

Immunosuppressants Linked to Severe Reactions in People with Common Genetic Profile Stanford Medicine News Center 11/17/21 Stanford Medicine-led research identified a common genetic profile that predicts severe, potentially fatal reactions to four powerful immune-suppressing drugs. Vivian Saper, MD, and Elizabeth Mellins, MD, discuss their findings.

Baby Probiotics: Everything You Need to Know Forbes 11/16/21 Carrie Kaufmann, RN, MSN, discusses some benefits of probiotic supplements for babies.

Vaccine Booster Eligibility Expands, Pediatric COVID Cases Rise ABC World News Now 11/16/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, says the data coming out of the CDC demonstrates the booster produces good antibody response and the need to vaccinate children.
Also see: CNN, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, CBS News, PBS Newshour, SiriusXM, KQED Forum, Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), San Francisco Chronicle (Yvonne Maldonado, MD), CNN, San Jose Mercury News, and MedScape (Grace Lee, MD), NPR (Hayley Gans, MD), and (Alok Patel, MD), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), San Francisco Chronicle, Bay Area Telemundo (KSTS 48), Baylo Area Telemundo (KSTS 48), and Medical News Today (Jorge Salinas, MD), Bay Area KRON4 News, San Francisco Chronicle, and CNET (Anne Liu, MD), Vermont Public Radio (Jennifer Bollyky, MD), Stanford Medicine News Center (Yvonne Maldonado, MD, and Grace Lee, MD)

Fourteen Children Received Wrong Dose of Vaccine in Antioch Bay Area Telemundo (KSTS 48) 11/16/21 Jorge Salinas, MD, explains how doses are prepared ahead of time.

COVID: Long Lines of Kids, Parents at Pediatric Vaccine Clinic At Sonoma School Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) 11/15/21
Grace Lee, MD, discusses the need to vaccinate as many kids as possible to protect them from a potential winter surge.

Boys Have Eating Disorders, too. Doctors Think Social Media is Making it Worse The Wall Street Journal 11/13/21 Pediatric wards are seeing more eating-disorder cases, with boys making up an increasing share of patients. Neville Golden, MD, is quoted.

Common Cold or COVID-19? As the symptoms can be confusing for people to distinguish, Anne Liu, MD, says the best way to figure out if you have COVID-19 is through a test.
Also see: Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) (Jorge Salinas, MD)

6 Best Baby Cribs for Every Style, Space, and Budget Fatherly 11/10/21 Sumit Bhargava, MD, is quoted.

Top U.S. COVID Doctor, Fauci Answers Questions from Santa Cruz, Nearby Residents Santa Cruz Sentinel 11/10/21 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital is mentioned.

Pediatricians Answer Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Aged 5–11 Medical Xpress 11/9/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, and Grace Lee, MD, answer parents' frequently asked questions about the vaccines.

Chatbots Can Fill Gaps in Mental Health Care for Children—To a Point Psychiatric Times 11/9/21 Jack Turban, MD, discusses how artificial intelligence chatbots, programs designed to carry on realistic text - or voice-based conversations with patients, can help individuals diagnosed with anxiety or depression.

How Common are Toy-Related Injuries? 11/8/21 Stanford Medicine Children's Health is mentioned.

Why Only One-Third of Pregnant Women are Vaccinated Against COVID-19 San Jose Mercury News, Seattle Times, The Oakland Press 11/8/21 Ronald Gibbs, MD, answer questions and dispels myths people have about taking the vaccine while being pregnant.

Do Transgender Athletes Have a Competitive Advantage Over Cisgender Athletes? San Diego, CBS (KFMB 8) 11/8/21 Jack Turban, MD, discusses the need to have more transgender athletes across high school, college and professional sports because there is not enough data to compare athletic performance with cisgender athletes.

Bay Area Business Leaders Back White House COVID Vaccine Mandate Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) 11/6/21 Jorge Salinas, MD, is quoted.

Sleep Specialists Explain the "Revenge Bedtime Procrastination" Phenomenon Good Housekeeping 11/6/21 Rafael Pelayo, MD, describes who may be more susceptible to putting off sleep to watch another episode of TV or scroll through social media.

Pfizer Says its Antiviral Pill Slashes Risk of Severe COVID-19 by 89% Reuters 11/5/21 Grace Lee, MD, says vaccines are the most effective and reliable tool in this pandemic, but having these antiviral pills for COVID-19 augments our ability to reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death.
Also see: Parade (Prasanna Jagannathan, MD, PhD), Mercury News (Upinder Singh, MD)

He Can’t Cure His Dad. But a Scientist’s Research May Help Everyone Else The New York Times 11/4/21 Mark Kay, MD, discusses gene therapy clinical trials for pediatric patients with muscle diseases.

How to Choose the Best Sleeping Position, and Why it Matters The Washington Post 11/4/21 Rafael Pelayo, MD, says sleeping on your side seems to be the most natural sleeping position for most people, especially those who can’t sleep on their backs because of pregnancy or other health conditions.
Also see: AARP

Many COVID-19 Survivors Still Can't Smell or Taste. Treating Them Isn't Easy Time Magazine 11/4/21 Zara Patel, MD, describes how important the sense of smell is in sharing an experience, including some of the subconscious processes like parent-child bonding.

Everything You Need to Know about Sleep and Daylight Saving USA Today 11/3/21 As Daylight-Saving Time ends, Jamie Zeitzer, MD, answers questions about how this will impact our sleep and why kids adapt quickly, even though they may have a routine or schedule.
Also see: Inc. Magazine (Logan Schneider, MD)

Pediatricians and Schools Will Play Key Role in Vaccinating Children 5-11 VeryWell Health 11/3/21 Anne Liu, MD, cautions parents on gathering vaccination information from unfamiliar vaccination websites and encourages families to contact their primary doctors and pediatricians for vaccine administration and locations.

Researcher Awarded $12 Million for Trial to Improve Outcomes of Young Blood Cancer Patients Stanford Medicine News Center 11/2/21 Maria Grazia Roncarolo, MD, is leading a trial aimed at improving the outcomes of stem cell transplants in children and young adults with blood cancers. Finding a better therapy for these children means a shorter stay in the hospital, less risk of the need for a second transplant, and a greater quality of life for the child and the whole family.

Brendan Watkins, Chief Analytics Officer at Stanford Medicine Children's Health Becker’s Hospital Review 11/2/21 Brendan Watkins discusses how population management and analytics can drive organizational growth.

August 2021

3 hospital marketing execs on which language to use, avoid using in campaigns Becker’s Review 8/27/21 Communication professionals understand the importance of using the right words — as well as the backlash or business loss that can ensue after using the wrong ones. Les Lifter, CMO, shares advice on what language to use and avoid in healthcare marketing campaigns.

How to support kids who are anxious about returning to school Greater Good Magazine 8/27/21 Returning to school as the pandemic stretches on may spark anxiety in young students, but there are approaches parents can use to build children’s resilience. Elizabeth Reichert, PhD, provides best practices.
Also see: Scope

Eager for your child to be vaccinated? Help is on the way ... despite some bumps in the road The Almanac 8/27/21 Jeffrey Tan, MD, is quoted.

Fibroids in the Latina/Latinx community with Dr. Ruben Alvero ASRM Today 8/26/21 Ruben Alvero, MD, is featured.

Youth mental health center opens in Palo Alto The Stanford Daily 8/26/21 Steven Adelsheim, MD, discusses the alcove care centers for youth and young adults ages 12 -25 years old, that offer services to support mental health and wellbeing in Palo Alto, CA and San Jose, CA.

GOP governors: White House schoolyard brawl tests limits of local control Politico 8/25/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Study links smoke from 2020 wildfires to rise in COVID cases, deaths The Almanac 8/25/21 Mary Prunicki, MD, PhD, discusses the need for everyone to take precautions.
Also see: The New York Times, Everyday Health, Bay Area (KNTV 11) (Sharon Chinthrajah, MD)

Heart inflammation risk boosted slightly by vaccine, more by COVID-19 – study Reuters 8/25/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses a study from Israel that says COVID-19 carries a far higher risk of heart inflammation than Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine.
Also see: CNN, Associated Press, CBS News, The Mercury News, The Western News, World Economic Forum

This Fort Mill kid’s heart made sports hard to play. Now he’s a champion, inspiration The Herald 8/25/21 A heart and lung transplant patient helps his South Carolina youth baseball team win the 8-and-under Dixie Youth World Series – the first baseman helped his team win the district, state and the World Series tournaments without a loss. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is mentioned.

How to choose and care for your kid’s masks The Washington Post 8/24/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses why it’s best to choose a mask your child will tolerate.
Also see: NPR, The Atlantic, KQED, Politico (Robert Siegel, MD), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) and AMNY (Anne Liu, MD)

Is 'close contact' still 6 feet for 15 minutes? Experts say COVID guidance may be outdated San Francisco Chronicle 8/24/21 Anne Liu, MD, recommends her patients set a low threshold for risk tolerance.
Also see: San Francisco Chronicle

False positives reported for COVID-19 in Oakland schools Telemundo 8/24/21 Jorge Salinas, MD, is quoted.

What full FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine means for the fight against the pandemic ABC 8/23/21 Alok Patel, MD, discusses how the decision to grant full approval could help convince people who are hesitant to get vaccinated.
Also see: ABC News, ABC, Bay Area NBC (KTVU 11) and Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) (Jorge Salinas, MD), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) (Yvonne Maldonado, MD), CNET (Anne Liu, MD)

‘We need help’: Early childhood educators navigate shifting safety guidelines as COVID cases rise KPCC Radio 8/23/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses why employers might want to consider hosting their own vaccination clinic.
Also see: NPR

Mental health declined during the pandemic: How can students rebound? The Stanford Daily, Patch 8/23/21 Antonio Hardan, MD, discusses the need for socialization during this time, especially for vulnerable teenagers and young adults.

Wildfire smoke exposure raises risk for preterm birth Scope 8/23/21 Gary Shaw, DrPH, is coauthor a new Stanford study that found that wildfire smoke exposure in California may have led to as many as 7,000 extra premature births across the state between 2007 and 2012.

White House prepares booster rollout ahead of regulatory thumbs-up Politico 8/20/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: STAT News, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Bay Area NBC (KNTV 11), Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) (Anne Liu, MD), ABC News and New Republic (Alok Patel, MD)

Preventing kids’ head injuries: Tips from a concussion expert Scope 8/20/21 After a period in 2020 during which pediatric head injuries decreased, rates are now ticking back up. Angela Lumba-Brown, MD, provides tips on how to keep kids safe.

7 ways to support kids' immune systems as they return to school and wait for the COVID vaccine 8/19/21 Maya Adam, MD, discusses why it’s important for kids to continue hygiene and safety practices as they go back to school.
Also see: Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) and Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) (David Cornfield, MD)

COVID-19 cases in SF are dropping. Did the delta surge peak? SF Gate 8/19/21 Anne Liu, MD, discusses the latest on the delta wave and what people should do to stay safe.
Also see: The Hill, Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), and San Francisco Chronicle (Yvonne Maldonado, MD)

How air quality affects children in the Bay Bakersfield ABC 23 8/19/21 With the COVID-19 pandemic and the growth of wildfires, California schools need to improve their air quality, according to Stanford pediatrician Lisa Patel, MD.
Also see: Bay Area Telemundo 48, Bay Area FOX (KTVU 2), Denver ABC 7, Las Vegas ABC 13, EdSource, Scope

Psychiatrists create initiative to educate media about suicide contagion Psych News 8/19/21 Steven Adelsheim, MD, discusses the Media and Mental Health Initiative at Stanford University Department of Psychiatry with aims to promote public health education about mental health and suicide.

5 severe cases of conjoined twins that were successfully separated by doctors N Opera News 8/19/21 Formerly conjoined twins and Stanford Medicine Children’s Health patients, Eva and Erika Sandoval are featured in the article.

How concerned should we be about the Lambda coronavirus variant? LA Times 8/18/21 Ben Pinsky, MD, is quoted.
Also see: The Mercury News, and Bay Area ABC (KGO 7)

The Rock takes a cold shower every day. Should you? Here's what experts say. USA Today 8/18/21 Gordon Bae, MD, is quoted.

What cholesterol levels mean and why they matter The Healthy 8/18/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

'Death zone': What to know about passing a school bus in Illinois Patch 8/18/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

11 early signs you're pregnant, before a missed period CNET 8/17/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

Children may be eligible for COVID-19 vaccine by Halloween KRON 4 8/17/21 Jenna Bollyky, MD, is quoted.

Here’s why babies love kicking their little feet in the air Romper 8/16/21 Courtney Jane Wusthoff, MD, is quoted.

FDA to OK 3rd vaccine dose for immunocompromised people Bay Area NBC (KNTV 11) 8/12/21
Anne Liu, MD, discusses who is currently eligible for the approved third dosage and why.

S.F. teens are way 'ahead of the curve' on COVID vaccinations. Here's why San Francisco Chronicle 8/12/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

San Francisco's new vaccine mandate: When it starts, what it covers KQED 8/12/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Health IT a mixed blessing during the pandemic MedPage Today 8/12/21 Health information technology has been an important tool during the pandemic, but it has also contributed to clinician burnout. Isil Arican, MD, is quoted.
Also see: MedCity News, Healthcare IT News, Healthcare Innovation

Optimizing breastfeeding within the golden hour ReachMD 8/12/21 Susan Crowe, MD, discusses the importance of breastfeeding shortly after delivery and the importance of helping patients and their newborns reap the benefits of this “golden hour”.

Olympian or human? Tokyo 2020: Not about the sports Radar 8/12/21 Jack Turban MD, MHS, is quoted.

Silicon Valley mom’s engaging idea to interest youngsters in biology The Silicon Valley Voice 8/12/21 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is mentioned.

Opinion/Goldberg: COVID vaccines for kids can’t wait The Mercury News 8/11/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is mentioned.

Delta Is Bad News for Kids The Atlantic 8/10 Grace Lee, MD, is mentioned.

Biden administration sued over substandard conditions at emergency sites for migrant teens CBS News 8/10/21 Ryan Matlow, PhD, explains how the living conditions some of the children are in could cause them "clinically significant psychological harm."

Delta variant: Number of kids contracting COVID-19 continues to spike NBC Bay Area 8/10/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5), Bay Area ABC (KGO) (David Cornfield, MD), WebMD (Yvonne Maldonado, MD), Bay Area FOX (KTVU 2) (Jasmin Makar, MD)

How AI can help doctors reduce maternal mortality Illinois News Today 8/10/21 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is mentioned.

New drug might be non-surgical option for common skin cancers U.S. News 8/9/21 Kavita Sarin, MD, is quoted.

How AI could help doctors reduce maternal mortality Harvard Business Review 8/9/21 Cesar Padilla, MD, Gillian Abir, MBChB, Brendan Carvalho, MD discuss their latest study on how using electronic health records, artificial intelligence (AI) and employing digital technology to better monitor patients during their pregnancies and improve their access to both routine and high-acuity care.

COVID-19 vaccine a monumental scientific and collaborative feat- these vaccines save lives Forbes 8/5/21 C. Jason Wang, MD, PhD, is quoted.

Are there different types of orgasms? What sex experts say The Healthy 8/5/21 Leah Millheiser, MD, discusses the types of stimulation that lead to orgasm.

She has stem cells in her crosshairs NEO.LIFE 8/5/21 Agnieszka Czechowicz, MD, PhD, is profiled.

Artificial pancreases were a breakthrough for type 1 diabetes. The research in type 2 is just beginning STAT News 8/4/21 Bruce Buckingham, MD, is quoted.

Teen drug experimentation BYU Radio 8/4/21 Bradley Zicherman, MD, discusses the latest on what is leading teens to experiment with drugs, and what can we do to prevent it.
Also see: Telemundo

Study predicts who may benefit from CAR-T cell therapy for blood cancers Florida News Times 8/4/21 CAR-T cell therapy works for many types of blood cancers, but more than half of patients relapse. A Stanford study provides a clue as to why. Crystal Mackall, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Stanford Medicine News Center

California and Maine will provide free meals to all students in the fall 8/3/21 Venus S. Kalami, MNSP, RD, is quoted.

The Delta variant in schools: What to know The New York Times 8/2/21
Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses the risk of transmission in schools and how to stay safe.
Also see: The Wall Street Journal, CBS Evening News, Newsweek, CNN, CNN, KQED, Mercury News, KQED Forum, Newsweek, San Francisco Chronicle, CNN

Stanford epidemiologist explains how effective the COVID-19 vaccine really is Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 8/2/21 Jorge Salinas, MD, is quoted.

Wildfire fighters advance against biggest US blaze amid dire warnings The Guardian 8/2/21 Mary Prunicki, MD, PhD, is mentioned.

Post-epidural headaches can be more serious than previously known Scope 8/2/21 In a new Stanford study, Jessica Ansari, MD, and Pamela Flood, MD, discuss why it is important for pregnant women to be warned that post-epidural headaches may be longer lasting than previously understood.

How to prepare your kids to go back to school in person this fall, according to a pediatrician PopSugar 8/1/21 (paid sponsorship)
Some families are now wondering if it is safe to send their kids back for traditional schooling. Feeling nervous about the situation is normal, according to Julia Pederson, MD.

Noninvasive technique to track early preemies’ cerebral oxygen levels can help predict neonatal death, brain injury Neonatal Intensive Care Fall 2021 (p.24) Valerie Chock, MD, is featured.

New DNA blood test could pinpoint cancer’s source in the body Scientific American Aug. 2021 issue Virginia Winn, MD, PhD, is quoted.

July 2021

CDC warns Delta variant is as infectious as chickenpox; vaccinated people can transmit Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 7/30/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Expected vaccine requirement for federal workers raises new questions ABC News 7/29/21 David Magnus, PhD, is quoted.

Doctor shares strong, unexpected bond with NICU nurse who cared for him decades ago NICU CBS This Morning 7/28/21 Nurse Vilma Wong and Brandon Seminatore, MD, both work in the neonatal intensive care unit at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford. But they first met there years before, under very different circumstances.
Also see: Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5), Santa Barbara ABC/CBS (KEYT 13/25)

Summer camps across the U.S. are dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks. So what happens when school starts? TIME 7/26/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, warns that COVID-19 can still have terrible consequences for children, especially as a growing number are infected.

The robot will see you now: Health-care chatbots boom but still can’t replace doctors The Washington Post 7/26/21 Mildred Cho, PhD, is quoted.

Debate emerges around COVID-19 testing strategies in schools as districts plan to reopen CNN 7/26/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses the different types of COVID tests, and what the data is/is not showing.

Where the COVID vaccine trials are at for babies and young children ABC Radio National 7/26/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is featured.
Also see: The New York Times, CNN, KRON 4, Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) (Alan Schroeder, MD)

Managing type 1 diabetes: Voices of the underserved Scope 7/26/21 David Maahs, MD, PhD, discusses the latest study on improving patient/physician relationship regarding type 1 diabetes patients; improving bedside manner, tele-education, educating more providers on how they can be more supportive and understanding to the patients’ needs/capacity.

Stanford study finds mindfulness training can improve children's' sleep Bay Area FOX (KTVU 2) 7/24/21 Stanford researcher Christina F. Chick, PhD, is featured.

Teens asked, we answered: The truth about COVID-19 vaccines Aspen Public Radio, Interlochen IPR Public Radio, Main Public 7/24/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, responds to teens questions about the COVID vaccine, symptoms, myocarditis, and health disparities across the country.

Many classrooms won't require masks for children this year. It's a source of tension NBC News 7/23/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses why wearing a mask is beneficial for everyone.
Also see: Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), and Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5)

A tale of two EDs: Endothelial dysfunction and erectile dysfunction 7/23/21 Michael Eisenberg, MD, is quoted.

CDC advisory group says benefits of Johnson & Johnson vaccine outweigh risks Healio 7/22/21 A CDC advisory committee said that it strongly supports the continued use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, despite its potential link to Guillain-Barré syndrome. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: CBS News, NBC Bay Area (KNTV 11) (Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted)

Wildfire smoke can increase hazardous toxic metals in air, study finds The Guardian 7/21/21 Mary Prunicki, MD, PhD, is quoted.

Innovator awards program: Semifinalists Healthcare Innovation 7/21/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

Mindfulness training linked to better sleep in at-risk kids Verywell Health 7/21/21 Christina Chick, PhD, discusses the latest Stanford study that suggests incorporating mindfulness training in elementary school curriculum can help children focus, recognize stress and mood triggers, and provide more restful sleep patterns.
Also see: Healio, Gwinnett Daily Post

In Tokyo, nerves are frayed and critics are loud, but the Olympics plow forward Washington Post 7/20/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

How COVID-19 and lagging vaccination rates could impact fall sports ABC News 7/20/21 Alok Patel, MD, discusses the possible risks student athletes may face this fall and the safety measures that schools should take.

Babies who are breastfed have lower blood pressure, better heart health Healthline 7/20/21 Susan Crowe, MD, discusses the long-term benefits of breast milk.

What healthy eating means when you’re trans and taking hormones Weight Watchers 7/20/21 Gender-affirming hormone therapy may affect nutrition needs in ways researchers are just beginning to understand. Jami Zamyad, RD, DCN, is quoted.

Delta Variant: Some parents support stricter mask rules for kids at school Bay Area NBC (KTVU 11) 7/19/21 Anne Liu, MD, discusses the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendation on masking all kids and teachers in school, which takes a stricter position on masks than what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced earlier this month.

New Palo Alto teen clinic offers drop-in, accessible mental health care Midpeninsula Post 7/18/21 Steven Adelsheim, MD, discusses two alcove care centers for youth and young adults ages 12 -25 years old, that will begin offering services to support mental health and wellbeing in Palo Alto, CA and San Jose, CA.

Hospital admissions soar as COVID-19 cases rise in 47 states ABC News 7/17/21 Alok Patel, MD, discusses the latest on the Delta variant and the need for everyone to get vaccinated.
Also see: CBS Bay Area (KPIX 5) (Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is featured), CBS Bay Area (KPIX 5) (Laura Gross, MD, is featured).

Bay Area counties recommend face masks indoors as COVID cases increase NBC Bay Area (KNTV 11) 7/17/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.
Also see: ABC Bay Area (KGO 7),CBS Bay Area (KPIX 5),NBC Bay Area (KNTV 11) and San Jose Mercury News (Michael Linn, MD, is quoted), Parent Herald (David Cornfield, MD, is mentioned).

6 ways you can support your child’s return to in-person school 7/16/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

If California workers must disclose COVID-19 vaccination status, why not state lawmakers? Los Angeles Times 7/15/21 David Magnus, PhD, discusses the need for balance as we inch closer to vaccinations becoming mandatory in workplaces.

The next COVID-19 battle will be about vaccinating kids Wired 7/15/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses the latest findings from the Pfizer pediatric vaccine trial, the challenges public health officials will have administering the vaccine either as an emergency use authorization or a full new drug approval, the campaigns that distribute the shots, and if this will be part of the school recommended shot list.

Newsom faces backlash over masks in California schools Politico 7/15/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Study: Can air pollution make periods more painful? Verywell Health 7/15/21 Sophia Yen, MD, is quoted.

How acknowledging your employees’ emotions builds trust Fast Company 7/15/21 A new Stanford study explores the effects of emotional acknowledgment in the workplace. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is mentioned.

COVID: Moscone center vaccination site closes; Doctors reassure vaccinated amid rising Delta variant CBS Bay Area (KPIX 5) 7/14/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses why the most vulnerable people are those who are still unvaccinated.

COVID cases on the rise among California’s unvaccinated KQED 7/14/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses the spike in COVID cases, the rapidly spreading Delta variant, and California’s requirement to have vaccinated students and teachers wear masks in classrooms.

Vaping debate 'heating up' once again 7/14/21 Robert Jackler, MD, discusses the branding impact on Juul Labs Inc. over a lawsuit claiming it aimed its e-cigarette products at young people.

Three states move to keep weight-loss supplements away from youth Center for Health Journalism 7/13/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

Here’s what we know about kids and long covid MIT Technology Review 7/13/21 Children who contract covid-19 can have symptoms that persist for weeks or even months, but it’s not clear how frequently this occurs or which kids are at risk. Alok Patel, MD, is quoted.

Israel becomes 1st country to approve COVID-19 vaccine boosters; will the US be next? ABC Bay Area (KGO 7) 7/12/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses why the U.S. does not need a COVID booster shot at this time.
Also see: ABC Bay Area (KGO 7)

FDA approval of a vaccine could compel thousands in California to get shots San Francisco Chronicle 7/12/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Why is California still requiring masks at school? Here's what parents and experts say San Francisco Chronicle 7/12/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Cold or COVID? Infectious disease experts say colds are coming back with a vengeance KTVU 7/8/21 Anne Liu, MD, is quoted.

Are 3rd COVID shots necessary? Here's what Bay Area experts say as Pfizer seeks approval Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 7/8/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Buy this, not that: A baby wipe warmer Fatherly 7/8/21 Tomomi Hayashi, MD, discuses the practicality and safety issues regarding wipe warmers.

Most pediatric rheumatology providers find telehealth lacking for clinical assessment Healio 7/8/21 Rajdeep Pooni, MD, discusses the challenges some pediatric rheumatologists face regarding telehealth in its health care delivery, availability and effectiveness.

Teens ask, we answer: What's up with COVID vaccines? NPR 7/7/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, responds to teens questions about the COVID vaccine, symptoms, myocarditis, and health disparities across the country.

County promotes pop-up vaccine clinics, upcoming youth vaccine week to boost vaccination rates The Almanac 7/7/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

COVID-19 vaccines and kids under 12: What to know Healthline 7/7/21 Alok Patel, MD, is quoted.

How to increase your libido—and 8 reasons it may be low Reader’s Digest 7/7/21 Leah Millheiser, MD, discusses the different causes of low libido, how it can affect life and relationships, and possible treatment.

Study suggests children are breathing CO2 when wearing masks, experts say levels are not dangerous Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 7/6/21 David Cornfield, MD, is quoted.
Also see: California News Times

Children slept over an hour more with mindfulness training, study finds CNN 7/6/21 Victor Carrion, MD, and Ruth O'Hara, PhD., discuss the latest Stanford study that suggests incorporating mindfulness training in elementary school curriculum can help children focus, recognize stress and mood triggers, and provide more restful sleep patterns.
Also see: U.S. News & World Report, American Journal of Managed Care, EurekAlert, Science Blog, Stanford Medicine Children’s Health News Center

How to make returning to the office less painful ABC News 7/5/21 Victor Carrion, MD, shares tips on how people can transition from fully remote to in-person or hybrid work environment.

Surfside building collapse's mental toll ABC News 7/3/21 Ripal Shah, MD, MPH, is quoted.

How to floss a toddler’s teeth without all the drama Romper 7/3/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

COVID-19 Delta variant spreading in NYC; City officials urge residents to get vaccinated: ‘We need to take this seriously.’ New York CBS (WLNY 10) 7/2/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, encourages parents to get eligible kids their shots now as the new school year approaches.

Long-awaited, and potentially ground-breaking, drop-in clinic for youth opens Palo Alto Online 7/1/21 Steven Adelsheim, MD, discusses two alcove care centers for youth and young adults ages 12 -25 years old, that will begin offering services to support mental health and wellbeing in Palo Alto, CA and San Jose, CA.
Also see: Mt. View Voice, KCBS Radio, Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5), Bay Area Telemundo 48, County of Santa Clara Supervisor Joe Simitian Newsroom

Climate allergy study Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 7/1/21 Mary Prunicki, MD, PhD, discusses seasonal allergies starting early in the Bay Area due to climate change and increase in temperature.
Also see: KCBS Radio, KCBS Radio, and Stanford Medicine Children’s Health News Center (featuring Kari Nadeau, MD, PhD)

Doctors are puzzled by heart inflammation in the young and vaccinated The Atlantic 7/1/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: AAP News

June 2021

How to travel COVID-safe with the kids this summer California News Times 6/30/21 (sponsored ad) Anita Jubu Buddy, MD, is quoted.

How noticing emotions at work can build trust Greater Good Magazine 6/30/21 A new Stanford study explores the effects of emotional acknowledgment in the workplace.

An epidemic of distrust: New study details the public health problem behind not drinking tap water Milwaukee Independent, 6/29/21 Anisha Patel, MD, is mentioned.

Study: Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 vaccine protection could last years ABC News 6/29/21 Alok Patel, MD, is interviewed.

Juul is paying $40 million to rebuild its reputation. Will it work? TIME Magazine 6/29/21 Robert Jackler, MD, discusses the branding impact on Juul Labs Inc. over a lawsuit claiming it aimed its e-cigarette products at young people.
Also see: Bloomberg

Los Angeles County recommends people still wear masks indoors KCBS Radio 6/29/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses the latest on the Delta variant and the need to still wear a mask in public indoor places -- vaccinated or not.

Worried about your kid's development? Turn to your doctor before the internet or friends CNN 6/28/21 Alok Patel, MD, is quoted.

Delta variant is spreading quickly in the state; 'Delta-plus' emerges in India; threat level remains unclear Los Angeles Times 6/28/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, discusses the need for more research and data to learn if the Delta-plus is any more problematic than the original Delta.

Ahead of Tokyo Olympics, Japan vaccination rate far from the mark NBC News 6/28/21 Jason Wang, MD, discusses some of the vaccine issues Japan faces.

Technology & patient empowerment: Two physicians share their perspectives 6/24/21 Natalie Pageler, MD, CMIO, discusses the need to empower patients and caregivers in the pediatric space by leveraging telehealth tools and improve information sharing through a pediatric home care provider.

Rate of myocarditis slightly higher in young people after COVID vaccine, CDC finds, but the disease itself is more dangerous USA Today 6/23/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses the latest on myocarditis and vaccine hesitancy.
Also see: Bay Area NBC (KNTV 11), Physician’s Weekly, and San Francisco Chronicle (featuring Yvonne Maldonado, MD)

The only way we’ll know when we need COVID-19 boosters The Atlantic 6/23/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses how health care experts will have to determine the new risk-benefit of COVID-19 boosters, possible costs, coordinating the logistics, maintaining a new sense of trust, equity, and access in order to get another round of vaccines into people.
Also see: CNBC, New Final Call

Telehealth yields similar outcomes as in-person HIV treatment mHealth Intelligence 6/23/21 Geoff Hart-Cooper, MD, is quoted.

COVID: Masks, social distancing slowed spread of common childhood illnesses Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) 6/22/21 Alan Schroeder, MD, discusses how seasonal respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV), that are the hallmark of childhood winter petered out during the pandemic, are now making an unusual summertime return.
Also see: Bay Area FOX (KTVU 2) (Anne Liu, MD, is quoted)

Bay Area parents of unvaccinated children wonder how to navigate reopened California Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 6/22/21 Anne Liu, MD, discusses the challenges and encourages people who are unvaccinated, kids or adults, that they still wear masks.

Eating disorders surged among adolescents in pandemic Wall Street Journal 6/21/21 Neville H. Golden, MD, discusses the steep increases in both hospitalization and outpatient visits, with children coming in sicker than ever.

CIO podcast – Episode 9: Natalie Pageler, MD – telehealth and digital health Healthcare IT Today 6/21/21 Natalie Pageler, MD, CMIO, discusses how Stanford Medicine Children’s Health has incorporated telehealth and digital health in its health care system, along with the nuances that children’s hospitals have to navigate through that other (adult) health care organizations do not.

See California's best children's hospitals in U.S. News ranking 6/19/21 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is mentioned.

‘This is our epidemic’: Mental health crisis is kids’ long-haul COVID, children’s hospital leaders say Becker’s Hospital Review 6/17/21 Paul King, president and CEO of Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, discusses the mental health crisis afflicting the nation and its children’s hospitals, and how telehealth will become a mainstream service.

Virtual reality in medicine WebMD, 6/16/21 Gerald Grant, MD, FACS, David Axelrod, MD, and Thomas Caruso, MD, discuss why VR is now part of mainstream care for pain control and their expectations for more options for therapeutic VR.

Why Asia, the pandemic champion, remains miles away from the finish line The New York Times 6/15/21 C. Jason Wang, MD, PhD, is quoted.

Distorted, bizarre food smells haunt COVID survivors The New York Times 6/15/21 Zara Patel, MD, discusses why some people who have recovered from the virus still find certain foods off-putting.

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford earns top 10 ranking Palo Alto Patch 6/15/21 Packard Children’s also ranked first in Northern California, second in California and in the top 10 nationwide in five specialties. For the sixth consecutive year, the hospital achieved rankings in all 10 specialties. This year’s survey ranked five of the hospital’s specialties in the top 10, including two in the top five nationwide. These included neonatology (No. 3), nephrology (No. 4), pulmonology and lung surgery (No. 6), neurology and neurosurgery (No. 8), and diabetes and endocrinology (No. 9). Paul King, president and CEO of Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, is quoted.
Also see: Silicon Valley Business Journal, Becker’s Review, Stanford Medicine Children’s Health Newsroom

Unvaccinated children under 12 should still wear masks, Stanford doctor says Bay Area ABC (KGO-7) 6/15/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), Univision

Medical Monday: The Delta COVID-19 variant and more Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) 6/14/21 Anne Liu, MD, discusses the latest on the Delta COVID-19 variant, new treatments for those who have COVID-19 and more.

Mountain View family ‘blown away’ by response to lemonade stand fundraiser for childhood cancer Mountain View Voice 6/14/21 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital is mentioned.

Virtual care is the future of healthcare TechTarget 6/14/21 Paul King, president and CEO of Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, discusses how 2020 was the catalyst that forced health care organizations to take on digital transformation and new tools, including virtual care.

Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose shot could be vital to vaccinating the rest of the country. But has it missed a critical moment? CBS News 6/11/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses vaccine safety and effectiveness.
Also see:

Memories frozen in time Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 6/11/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health commemorates its hospital’s 30th anniversary with a time capsule burial. Luanne Smedley is quoted.
Also see: Bay Area FOX (KTVU 2), Palo Alto Weekly

The C.D.C. urges parents to get childhood vaccinations up to date following a steep decline last year The New York Times 6/10/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.
Also see: El Tecolote (Grace Lee, MD, is quoted)

The pandemic’s toll on teen mental health Wall Street Journal 6/10/21 Health experts discuss why they are seeing a rise on youth obesity and eating disorders. Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

Kid Covid-19 vaccines: 3 takeaways from the FDA’s big meeting Politico 6/10/21 Hayley Gans, MD, discusses the importance of tracking the immune response over a certain period of time.

We’ll probably need booster shots for Covid-19. But when? And which ones? The New York Times 6/9/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Baltimore Sun, Times of India

Are natural deodorants really better for you? The New York Times, 6/9/21 Jennifer Chen, MD, is quoted.

Pfizer advances clinical trial of COVID vaccine on kids 5-11 Good Morning America 6/9/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.
Also see:, Bay Area NBC (KTVU 11), Telemundo, Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5)

The new rules of grandparenting Good Housekeeping 6/9/21 Nancy Sanchez and Marilyn Swarts discuss the grandparenting class at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health and some of the challenges that grandparents face with new parents on baby care methods when it comes to raising kids.

How scientists are already hunting for California’s next COVID variant San Francisco Chronicle 6/6/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, discusses the importance of sequencing to help identify local clusters of cases and stamp them out before they can trigger more widespread community transmission.

5 expert-approved tips for keeping your family safe during summer travel Romper (sponsored content) 6/4/21 Jesspreet Gowan, MD, shares tips on the best way to stay healthy while traveling this summer.

How to throw a safe summer party during COVID MAED 6/4/21 Talal Seddik, MD, shares tips on how to have a fun and safe summer gathering.

Should you wear a mask indoors? 7 vaccinated epidemiologists share what they're doing 6/3/21 Anne Liu, MD, and Yvonne Maldonado, MD, are featured.

We asked Bay Area experts to weigh in on safety of Tokyo Olympics 6/1/21 Anne Liu, MD, is quoted.

Charting her own path: a Stanford frosh’s tale of recovery and resilience Stanford Daily 6/1/21 Elliot Krane, MD, is mentioned.

Newborn avoids surgery with Stanford Medicine’s unique treatment for a small jaw Neonatal Intensive Care (pg. 60-61) Summer 2021 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is the first in the country to provide a unique treatment for Pierre Robin sequence. The approach involves an orthodontic device used to reposition a patient’s tongue and gradually stimulate the jaw to grow to a healthy size without surgery. HyeRan Choo, DDS, DMD, MS, is featured.

May 2021

Pediatric weight struggles Bay Area Parent May 2021 Elizabeth Shepard, MD, discusses why youth obesity and eating disorders have been on the rise since the pandemic.
Also see: Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) (Neville Golden, MD, is quoted)

Children and headaches: Red flags, triggers, and rescue treatments Contemporary Pediatrics (pg. 14-17) May 2021 Susy Jeng, MD, is featured.

Final frontier: COVID-19 vaccines coming soon for young children Mercury News 5/30/21 COVID-19 vaccine pediatric clinical trials for children as young as 6 months old are underway to help combat the coronavirus. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.
Also see: California News Times

Figuring out how to feed kids when they’re not in school The Almanac 5/28/21 The pandemic challenged child nutrition leaders to rethink strategies for getting school meals to those in need. Lisa Chamberlain, MD, and Janine Bruce, MD, discuss the Midpeninsula Pediatric Advisory Coalition, a multidisciplinary team led by Stanford Medicine Children’s Health that formed during the pandemic to help mitigate the pandemic’s indirect impacts on local children.

Why ‘breakthrough’ infections even after COVID-19 vaccinations shouldn’t be surprising TIME 5/28/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses the latest vaccination rates and suggests the currently low infection rate is reassuring that vaccines work, we still need to be cautious going forward.

A prescription for nations: How trauma can inform policy Psychology Today (Part I, Part II) 5/27/21 Victor Carrion, MD, discusses the science of healing from the trauma that manifested in 2020, which included the COVID-19 pandemic, political turmoil, and social injustice, and offers eight principles for recovery.
Also see: Scope

Supporting transgender teens: What parents need to know Psych Up Live 5/27/21 Tandy Aye, MD, discusses her latest research that showed that for teens exploring their gender identity, simple acts of caring from their parents were what they valued most.

Tent sleepovers: The extravagant party kids are craving in 2021 Wall Street Journal 5/26/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses that while closer gatherings of vaccinated kids over the age of 12 are possible, it is necessary to take more care with younger children who may not be vaccinated.

Will they? Won’t they? What parents think about giving kids a Covid shot India Currents 5/26/21 Grace Lee, MD, and Yvonne Maldondo, MD, discuss the importance of vaccinating children ages 12 and older against COVID-19.
Also see: Courthouse News

Children’s risk of serious illness from COVID-19 is as low as it is for the flu NPR 5/25/21 Roshni Mathew, MD, is quoted.

Moderna vaccine highly effective in adolescents, company says New York Times 5/25/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

As mask guidance becomes more relaxed, where does that leave young children? Bay Area NBC (KNTV) 5/24/21 Roshni Mathew, MD, discusses the importance of staying vigilant and having kids continue to practice safety protocols such as wearing masks and social distancing, as long-term effects of COVID-19 are still unknown.
Also see: Yahoo News, CBS Washington D.C., CBS Albuquerque(KRQE), Miami CBS 4, The Washington Post (Grace Lee, MD, is quoted), CNN, VeryWellHealth, and Healio (Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted), Bay Area NBC (KNTV), Bay Area ABC (KGO) and (Anne Liu, MD, is quoted)

CDC is investigating a heart problem in a few young vaccine recipients New York Times 5/22/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses the latest findings that show some young children may develop myocarditis after vaccination.
Also see: CBS This Morning, NBC Nightly News, Good Morning America (ABC), TODAY Show

What we learned from the school reopening debate 5/20/21 Op-ed co-authored by Lisa Patel, MD, MESc, discusses the impact of climate change and COVID school closures on children.

COVID-19 vaccine side effects: What’s normal and what to look out for CNET 5/20/21 Roshni Mathew, MD, and Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discuss potential side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the importance of herd immunity.

Studies find hospitalization data overstate kids’ COVID-19 risk San Jose Mercury 5/19/21 Counting SARS-CoV-2 infections in hospitalized children overestimates the impact of COVID-19 in pediatric populations because such counts include many asymptomatic patients. Roshni Mathew, MD, is quoted.
Also see: KHN

Hospitals may be overcounting how many kids are admitted for COVID-19 in the US, study finds 5/19/21 Counting SARS-CoV-2 infections in hospitalized children overestimates the impact of COVID-19 in pediatric populations because such counts include many asymptomatic patients, according to a new study published in Hospital Pediatrics. Roshni Mathew, MD, senior author on the paper, and Alan Schroeder, MD, a co-author of the paper, are featured in this article.
Also see: NPR, HealthDay, WebMD, UPI, Hospital Pediatrics, Medscape, Desert News, Original press release: COVID-19 hospitalizations in children likely overcounted, Stanford researchers find

Using real-time data analytics to enhance care in the NICU Health IT Analytics 5/18/21 Lance Prince, MD, PhD, discusses real-time data analytics tools and machine learning approaches that help providers at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health deliver comprehensive, compassionate care to newborns. He also stresses the importance of providing the highest levels of support to babies in the NICU to promote normal human development, and the benefits of working with a multidisciplinary team.

Complying with data blocking rule Modern Healthcare 5/18/21 Natalie Pageler, MD, chief medical information officer, is featured.

3 important topics you should discuss with your adolescent NBC Bay Area (KNTV) (sponsored content) 5/17/21 From body hair to sexuality, the pre-teen and teen years are a time of dramatic change for kids—and parents. Mary Patterson, professional community instructor at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health shares tips on ways to handle the physical, psychological and social transitions.

The Seychelles is 60% vaccinated, but still infections are rising. That’s not as bad as it sounds CNN 5/16/21 Michael Linn, MD, is quoted.

‘Encouraging and exciting’: Stanford researchers chart out next steps after landmark pregnancy study The Stanford Daily 5/16/21 David Stevenson, MD; Yair Blumenfeld, MD; and Maurice Druzin, MD, discuss their latest study on finding certain blood markers and immune signals that can predict approaching labor — the findings could serve as a jumping-off point for future study with the goal of developing prediction methods that can be used in clinical settings.

What you need to know about the CDC’s new mask guidelines The Washington Post 5/14/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses the CDC’s new mask guidance and the importance for individuals to continue to evaluate the situation and understand what the risk is and use masks accordingly.
Also see: San Francisco Chronicle

All the feels: Why it pays to notice emotions in the workplace Insights by Stanford Business 5/13/21 Leaders who recognize employees’ feelings are tapping into an important way to build trust. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is mentioned.

Kids 12+ across Bay Area get COVID vaccine Bay Area KRON 4 5/13/21 Grace Lee, MD, and Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.
Also see: The Verge, Motherly

Hospitals aren't making the most of their data — these 4 execs have advice Becker’s Health IT 5/2/21 Brendan Watkins, chief analytics officer at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, discusses challenges in deriving actionable insights from data, and notes the importance combining them with organizational change strategies.

What’s next in pediatric telehealth? Children’s Hospitals Today Spring 2021 Over the course of the pandemic, we learned that telehealth can change patient care. A year later, children’s hospitals are examining how virtual care can propel them into the future. Natalie Pageler, MD, is featured in this article.

4 myths about what it means for a vaccine to be 'FDA approved' Huffington Post 5/14/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Kids 12+ across Bay Area get COVID vaccine KRON 4 5/13/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is offering the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to preteen and teen ages 12 to 17. A drive-thru vaccination site in San Jose is highlighted with parents and young teens. Grace Lee, MD, is interviewed.
Also see: Telemundo 48, Univision 14, Bay Area FOX (KTVU 2), Bay Area ABC (KGO 7), KCBS Radio, Central Coast NBC (KSBW 8), The Independent, Patch, Sierra Sun Times

CDC advisers endorse Pfizer vaccine for children ages 12 to 15 New York Times 5/12/21 Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE’s Covid-19 vaccine was cleared for use in younger teens in the U.S., paving the way for the mass vaccination of middle- and high-school students before the start of summer camps and the next school year. Grace Lee, MD, and Yvonne Maldonado, MD, are featured in coverage of this news.
Also see: Wall Street Journal; Bloomberg; Washington Post; USA Today; ABC News; ABC News (features Alok Patel); NPR; San Francisco Chronicle; CBS Bay Area (features Anne Liu, MD); Mercury News; American Academy of PediatricsNBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV)

Do the COVID vaccines cause miscarriages? The Dispatch 5/12/21 A viral social media post points to a list of reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database (VAERS) from women who had miscarriages after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Experts explain that there is no correlation between the two events. Ronald Gibbs, MD, is quoted.

Stanford Medicine Children’s Health offering COVID vaccine to kids 12-17 5/12/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health began offering COVID-19 vaccinations to children ages 12 to 17 on Thursday.

Experts say now is the time to buy an air purifier ahead of California fire season San Francisco Chronicle 5/12/21 Mary Prunicki, MD, PhD, is quoted.

After heart transplant, 18-year-old pens cookbook with his favorite healthy Asian dishes 5/11/21 Heart transplant patient Justin Wang discusses his Make-a-Wish project to create a cookbook during his recovery. He also discusses how cooking helped with his post-transplant recovery.

Even in S.F. Bay Area, many people refuse to get shots. We asked them why San Francisco Chronicle 5/11/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Will we need booster shots to keep up COVID-19 immunity? NBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV) 5/11/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, suggests we may need boosters to maintain immune response to COVID-19, perhaps on an annual basis at the same time as the flu shot.

What are the potential side effects for the COVID vaccine in kids ages 12-15? NBC Chicago 5/11/21 Much like vaccinations for young adults, Pfizer’s COVID vaccine could bring some mild, but not concerning, side effects for kids, health officials say. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

The COVID-19 variant in India: What scientists know about the B.1.617 strain Wall Street Journal 5/11/21 B.1.617, which may spread more easily than other strains, has been designated a global ‘variant of concern’ by the WHO. Benjamin Pinsky, MD, is quoted.

How the push to immunize children is clashing with vaccine skepticism Washington Post 5/10/21 As drug companies expand coronavirus vaccine access to children, officials are working to persuade people who are skeptical or unwilling to get vaccinated. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is featured in this segment.

Kids’ weight gain in the pandemic is alarming doctors Wall Street Journal 5/10/21 Children are gaining unexpected weight and also losing dangerous amounts as the pandemic ignites anxiety and stress. This phenomenon is unprecedented and it is leading to disordered eating. Elizabeth Shepard, MD, is featured.
Also see: CBS Bay Area (KPIX-TV) (features Neville Golden, MD)

Kids as young as 6 months in vaccine trials CBS News 5/10/21 This segment highlighted Pfizer’s pediatric COVID-19 vaccine trial at Stanford Medicine and featured Yvonne Maldonado, MD, who discussed how getting children vaccinated is a major step in controlling the virus.
Also see: Fox Bay Area (KTVU-TV), Stanford Medicine Children’s Health News Center

There is no link between the Covid-19 vaccines and infertility. Here’s why 5/10/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, refutes inaccurate claims that there may be a connection between the COVID-19 vaccine and fertility.

What level of antibodies protect against COVID-19? Researchers are rushing to find out USA Today 5/10/21Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

How hospitals in California lowered C-section rates for new mothers NBC News 5/9/21 A four-year effort has reduced the rate of cesarean sections for low-risk, first-time mothers in California, according to a study led by Stanford researchers and the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative. Elliot Main, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Baby Gaga

COVID vaccines, alcohol and marijuana: What to know before your shot CNBC 5/8/21 Article features Anne Liu, MD.

Defying the odds KOCO-TV 5/8/21 Segment features Packard Children’s patient, Jackson Vaughan, who is the first NCAA Division I baseball player to have received a liver transplant.

5 Questions: Roshni Mathew on advantages of COVID-19 vaccination Stanford Medicine News Center 5/7/21 Roshni Mathew, MD, discusses the race to vaccinate as many people as possible against COVID-19 to prevent the emergence of variants that could increase disease rates.

Children make up 22% of new U.S. COVID-19 cases NBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV) 5/7/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

Why it’s important to get the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine CNET 5/6/21 Anne Liu, MD, is quoted.

COVID vaccines, menstrual cycles and misinformation: Here’s what experts say is really going on San Francisco Chronicle 5/6/21 Paula Hillard, MD, is interviewed.

National Nurses Week is a time for thanks – and to shine a light on the importance of providing holistic care for patients and families Becker’s Hospital Review 5/5/21To celebrate National Nurses Week, Chief Nursing Officer, Jesus Cepero, PhD, RN, penned an op-ed celebrating our nursing teams for their strength, resilience and determination to work through the challenges of the past year. In addition, Cepero highlights the importance of providing holistic care for patients and families; though not a new concept, the pandemic shined light on its importance and relevance in the healthcare industry.
Also see: Becker’s Hospital Review

How Bay Area counties are making COVID-19 vaccine access easier NBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV) 5/5/21 The Stanford Medicine Children’s Health Teen Van is distributing COVID-19 vaccines to Bay Area residents, most recently at Anderson Elementary School in San Jose.
Also see: CBS Bay Area (KPIX-TV); Telemundo Bay Area

Clean transportation is the public health investment my patients need Morning Consult 5/5/21 Op-ed authored by Lisa Patel, MD, suggests President Biden’s proposed infrastructure plan includes necessary public health interventions, such as acceleration of clean transportation, which could dramatically reduce the dangerous pollution that harms children.

Preemie born as small as Coke can survived, beat COVID, and is now a thriving 2-year-old Epoch Times 5/5/21 Story features Haven, the smallest baby born at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford in 2019, who is now a thriving toddler thanks to his mom and a multidisciplinary team of experts.

Kids and the COVID-19 vaccine: A pediatrician answers safety questions 5/5/21 In this article, Yvonne Maldonado, MD, answers parents' questions about COVID vaccines for children and teens.

With COVID vaccines for teens and kids, timing matters New York Times 5/4/21 With the news Monday that the Food and Drug Administration is preparing to authorize use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in children 12 to 15 years old by early next week, parents will need to plan with their pediatricians how to coordinate the new vaccine along with catching up on their other shots. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Is the end of the pandemic on the horizon? ABC News 5/4/21 Alok Patel, MD, is featured.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women who get the COVID-19 vaccine are protecting their infants, research suggests Leaps 5/3/21 Natali Aziz, MD, is interviewed.

Nearly 40% of women change breastfeeding plans because of childbirth experiences Healio 5/2/21 Almost four in ten women had a childbirth experience, such as pain from a cesarean delivery, that made them change their breastfeeding plans, survey data show. Henry Lee, MD, presented this data at this year’s virtual American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Scientific Meeting and is quoted in the article.

April 2021

For parents: What to know before your child’s kidney transplant Renal Support Network Paul Grimm, MD , addresses common questions from parents of children undergoing kidney transplantation.

Study helps Latino children manage obesity over two years Stanford Medicine Children’s Health News Center 4/29/21 A three-year trial of a multifaceted intervention for managing obesity in low-income, Latino children showed promising results over two years. Thomas Robinson, MD, MPH, led the study and is featured in the press release.

COVID-19 vaccine side effects: What’s normal and what to look out for CNET 4/29/21 Roshni Mathew, MD, is quoted.

COVID-19 vaccine trials enroll younger children WebMD 4/29/21 Pfizer and Moderna have begun the next phase of COVID-19 vaccine trials, enrolling children as young as 6 months old. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

‘I do think of it as medicine’: 7 benefits of playing youth sports Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 4/29/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

Only one vaccine is OK for older teens Kaiser Health News, USA Today, Sandusky Register 4/29/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is mentioned.

Team Science Award recognizes 8 pediatrics cancer researchers at Stanford Stanford Medicine News Center 4/28/21 Eight Stanford Medicine scientists are among a group of pediatric cancer researchers being honored with the 2021 Team Science Award from the American Association for Cancer Research. Crystal Mackall, MD, is featured.

What’s next in pediatric telehealth Children’s Hospitals Today 4/28/21 Natalie Pageler, MD, discusses the latest pediatric-specific challenges, the delicate balance between sharing family information and privacy issues.

Defying the Odds: UOP baseball player survives cancer, first Division I player to have liver transplant Greater Sacramento Area NBC (KCRA) 4/28/21 At just two years old, Jackson Vaughan underwent 11 rounds of chemotherapy to treat his stage IV cancer, and two liver transplants at Packard Children’s Hospital. Today, he is thriving as the first Division I college baseball player to have received a liver transplant.
Also see: Yahoo News, Greater Sacramento Area FOX (KTXL), The Record (PDF available upon request)

California campaign lowers statewide C-section rate, Stanford-led study finds Stanford Medicine News Center 4/27/21 A four-year effort has reduced the rate of cesarean sections for low-risk, first-time mothers in California, according to a study led by Stanford researchers and the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative. Elliott Main, MD, is the senior author and is featured in the press release.

Children as young as 6 months old now in COVID-19 vaccine trials ABC News 4/27/21 This segment highlighted Pfizer’s pediatric COVID-19 vaccine trial at Stanford Medicine and featured Yvonne Maldonado, MD, who discussed how getting children vaccinated is a major step in controlling the virus.

New outdoor mask guidelines expected NBC News 4/27/21 A growing number of medical experts say the risk of COVID-19 transmission outdoors when you are vaccinated is so low masks are no longer needed. Anne Liu, MD, is interviewed.

CDC advisory panel meets on J&J vaccine ABC World News Now 4/26/21Yvonne Maldonado, MD, provides comment on whether to resume the J&J vaccine or provide restrictions, along with the latest on wearing masks outdoors.
Also see: San Francisco Chronicle

FDA, CDC lift pause on J&J covid vaccinations NBC News 4/23/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Los Angeles Times, Greater Sacramento Area NBC (KCRA), MedPageToday, USA Today; Bay Area NBC (KNTV)Bay Area ABC (KGO) Hayley Gans, MD, is quoted.

FAQ: What you need to know about transgender children Washington Post 4/22/21 This piece highlights some of the most commonly asked questions about transgender youth. Jack Turban, MD, is quoted.

Women in medicine finally have spotlight in COVID-19 fight after decades of diversity building Bay Area ABC (KGO) 4/22/21 This segment looked at the rise of women leading medical research. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is featured.

Tdap in pregnancy not tied to childhood adverse outcomes Medscape 4/21/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Collaboration across the C-suite key to implementing data blocking, interoperability rules Modern Healthcare 4/20/21 Long-awaited federal rules aimed at improving health information exchange took hold earlier this month. The regulations are designed to make it easier to share data between healthcare organizations and with patients, but releasing information is more complicated for adolescents—posing additional challenges for pediatric hospitals. Natalie Pageler, MD, chief medical information officer, is featured.

Biden gives businesses incentives to help workers get COVID shots HealthDay News 4/20/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

All 50 states open vaccine eligibility to residents over 16 Good Morning America 4/19/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, provides comment.

The race to untangle the secrets of rare, severe blood clots after Johnson & Johnson vaccination Washington Post 4/19/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Wired, The Verge

Epidural in delivery not linked to autism: Study HealthDay News 4/19/21 Refuting an earlier study, researchers at Stanford Medicine and the University of Manitoba have found that epidural anesthesia, commonly administered for pain relief during labor, does not increase the risk for autism in children. Senior author Alexander Butwick, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Stanford Medicine Children’s Health News Center

Erin Ballard, director of digital health services at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health Becker’s Healthcare Podcast 4/17/21 Erin Ballard, director of digital health services, discusses the big trends in virtual care today and the unique challenges of digital health for the pediatric population.

What we know about India’s ‘double mutant’ Covid-19 variant Wall Street Journal 4/23/21 Scientists are trying to understand the role coronavirus variants, including a new one dubbed the double mutant, are playing in the world’s fastest-growing surge of Covid-19 cases in India. Benjamin Pinsky, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Wall Street Journal

Safe COVID vaccine for kids? Stanford researchers are working to make it happen in Pfizer study Santa Monica KCRW 89.9 4/16/21 Jenna Bollyky, MD, is quoted.

Stanford begins testing Pfizer vaccine in babies and young children Mercury News 4/15/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, provides comment.
Also see: Bay Area ABC (KGO), San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times

Many children are struggling with weight issues due to Covid-19 restrictions Cheddar News 4/15/21 Elizabeth Shepard, MD, discusses how the pandemic is resulting in weight management issues among children, and the steps parents can take to create better eating habits.

Schools, COVID & mental health: Experts talk about boosting students’ resilience and social-emotional wellness amid the pandemic The 74 4/15/21 Ryan Padrez, MD, is featured.

Stanford begins testing Pfizer vaccine in babies and young children Mercury News, East Bay Times 4/15/21 Stanford Medicine is one of five sites nationwide participating in a Phase 1 trial of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in children younger than 5 years of age. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is principal investigator of the trial and is quoted in the article.
Also see: San Francisco Chronicle, NBC Bay Area, ABC Bay Area, CBS Bay Area, KRON-TV, Telemundo

How to explain autism to kids Mashable 4/15/21 Grace Gengoux, PhD, is quoted.

A Stanford homecoming for former Packard Children’s patient NBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV) 4/14/21 Segment features Packard Children’s patient Jackson Vaughan, who is the first NCAA Division I baseball player to have received a liver transplant.

Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine to remain in limbo while officials seek evidence Associated Press 4/14/21 Grace Lee, MD, a member of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), is quoted.
Also see: ABC Bay Area, The Progressive Pulse, The Virginia Mercury, WhatsNews2Day

You’re vaccinated. Your kids are not. What now? New York Times 4/13/21 This piece includes guidance from public health experts regarding the most pressing questions about COVID-19 vaccination. Carmin Powell, MD, is quoted.

Women who received Johnson & Johnson vaccine concerned over 'extremely rare' blood clotting cases ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV) 4/13/21 California is following the advice of the FDA and the CDC to stop administering the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine after six women developed a rare blood clot disorder after receiving the vaccine. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Sobering center opening in San Francisco to help people fighting drug addiction ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV) 4/13/21 Alan Schroeder, MD, is quoted.

CA braces for 33% drop in vaccine supply as more than 16 million become eligible on April 15 ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV) 4/12/21 California is bracing for back-to-back supply cuts right as 16 million more people become eligible on April 15. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted in the article.
Also see: CBS Bay Area (KPIX-TV)

Alarm grows over impact of states banning trans youth treatment The Hill 4/11/21 This piece discusses how at least 19 state legislatures have proposed or passed bills seeking to ban trans youth treatment. Fellow Jack Turban, MD, is quoted.

COVID-19 vaccine side effects: What’s normal and what to look out for CNET 4/10/21 How likely are allergic reactions, fever and other side effects? Roshni Mathew, MD, responds.
Also see: KCBS Radio

How I time travel to parent my adult son The New York Times 4/9/21 Victor Carrion, MD, explains how a child’s brain matures into its 20s.

Loneliness, anxiety and loss: The pandemic’s terrible toll on kids Wall Street Journal 4/9/21 Victor Carrion, MD, describes how a child’s brain can react to post traumatic stress situations, and the potential impact of COVID-19 on youth mental health.

What does it mean if you have no COVID-19 vaccine side effects? Today Online 4/9/21 Anne Liu, MD, is quoted.

3 things to consider when building an inclusive environment Becker’s Hospital Review 4/9/21 Article authored by Marcie Atchison, JD, chief human resources officer for Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, offers advice for creating a truly diverse and inclusive environment, helping alleviate disparity in the workplace, and inspiring diverse future leaders.

What’s the future of telehealth? It’s ‘complicated’ MD Edge; Medscape 4/9/21 The use of telehealth may have skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has also exposed a digital divide. Natalie Pageler, MD, is interviewed.

Rise of coronavirus variants will define the next phase of the pandemic in the U.S. Washington Post 4/8/21 Variants of the coronavirus seem to be competing in various parts of the country. Benjamin Pinsky, MD, is quoted.
Also see: CNBC, San Francisco Chronicle, Mercury News, NBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV), ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV)

Mysterious COVID data: Was San Jose woman really first U.S. death? Mercury News 4/8/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, is quoted.

More kids are being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes—Here’s what parents need to know Parents 4/8/21 Priya Prahalad, MD, is quoted.

These hurdles could block California’s ambitious reopening timeline San Francisco Chronicle 4/7/21 Public health experts warn that impacted vaccine supply, emergence of variants and a lapse in masking and other safety measures could hinder California’s ability to fully reopen on the governor’s target date of June 15. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

COVID-19 vaccination and side effects Los Angeles Times 4/6/21 As the push to vaccinate as many Americans as possible against COVID-19 picks up steam, questions about the shots’ safety have often hindered the campaign. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted, explaining that most of the side effects recipients of the vaccine report are short-lived, normal reactions that are typical after vaccinations.

Can you get pregnant with endometriosis? Here’s what experts say Health 4/6/21 Endometriosis can be found in up to 50% of women who experience infertility, but the link between the two conditions still isn't completely understood. Ruben Alvero, MD, is quoted.

Stanford Medicine Children’s Health’s Pediatric Transplant Program once again achieves national recognition Stanford Medicine Children’s Health News Center 4/6/21 Stanford Medicine Children’s Health is once again ranked as a national leader for pediatric organ transplantation, according to recent data from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR), which is outlined in a new Pediatric Transplant Outcomes Report from Stanford Medicine Children’s Health. Carlos Esquivel, MD, PhD, and Alice Bertaina, MD, PhD, are featured.

Gestational diabetes rates during pregnancy on the rise Mercury News 4/4/2021 Jeffrey Clayton, MD, expresses concerns about obesity among reproductive-age patients.

KIDS FIRST: How CHC is leading an emotional recovery for Silicon Valley families Nob Hill Gazette 4/3/21 The hospital is mentioned.

Movers and shakers: Making their mark Nob Hill Gazette 4/3/21 The transformational gift from Elizabeth and Bruce Dunlevie to support a new labor and delivery unit at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, and further the Maternal-Fetal Medicine program at Stanford Medicine, is mentioned in this article.
Also see: Inside Philanthropy

Procrastinating on pregnancy: How long can women wait to have a baby? Discover Magazine 4/2/2021 Lusine Aghajanova, MD, discusses pregnancy rates among women in their 30s compared to those in their 20s.

Most people feel this one side effect after COVID vaccine Eat This, Not That 4/2/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Should you travel this summer? Send your kid to camp? To school? Health experts weigh in Orange County Register 4/2/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

Donate life month at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV) 4/1/21 Segment features the pinwheel event held at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health to mark the beginning of Donate Life Month.

Stanford Medicine Children’s Health uses mHealth to keep young patients at home mHealthIntelligence 4/1/21 Article features Seda Tierney, MD, and Scott Ceresnak, MD, who discuss the potential of remote monitoring among pediatric populations as well as the role of telehealth in cardiology, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Santa Clara County health officials warn of increase in COVID-19 variants ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV) 4/1/21 Health officials in the Bay Area’s largest county are urging the public to maintain their vigilance as more variants of COVID-19 are detected in the community. Anne Liu, MD, is quoted.

How long will your coronavirus vaccination last? Here’s what we know about immunity so far. San Francisco Chronicle 4/1/21 This piece discusses coronavirus vaccine immunity and quotes Yvonne Maldonado, MD.

What you need to know about the difference between postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety Motherly (sponsored content) April 2021 Teresa Tan, MD, is featured.

March 2021

Advancing precision medicine in the neonatal intensive care unit with big data and innovative noninvasive sensors Neonatal Intensive Care Spring 2021 (pg. 33-34) Article authored by Lawrence Prince, MD, PhD, discusses the future of precision medicine in the NICU, and the ways that advancements in data analysis and technology are improving care for neonatal patients.

UC launches gene therapy trial to transform the treatment of sickle cell disease Mercury News 3/31/21 A team of University of California scientists are launching a first-ever human study of a powerful new gene-editing technique to fix the bad gene that causes sickle cell disease, offering the promise of a cure for the devastating blood illness. Maria Grazia Roncarolo, MD, and Matthew Porteus, MD, are quoted.

Equitable access to healthcare starts with affordable broadband for all Forbes 3/30/21 Article mentions a program at Stanford Children’s Health that provides diabetic patients with an iPod that monitors and sends glucose levels directly to their electronic health records, and describes the use of telehealth visits for this patient population.

Vaccine eligibility expands in some counties while others are short of supply NBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV) 3/30/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.
Also see:
ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV)

‘Walking miracle’ preemie beats COVID-19, turns two USSA News 3/29/21 Feature story about Haven, the smallest baby born at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford in 2019, who is now a thriving toddler thanks to his mom and a multidisciplinary team of experts.

COVID: Worry not, experts say: ‘Swiss cheese model’ allows California schools to open safely despite coronavirus Mercury News, East Bay Times; Orange County Register 3/28/21 Experts discuss the safety measures that are in place to reduce risk of transmission as California students return to in-person schooling. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

CIOs at children's hospitals share lessons from a year of turmoil Healthcare IT News 3/26/21 In this article, executives describe how quick innovation, EHR optimization, agile teamwork and other forward-thinking strategies have helped pediatric health care organizations succeed during the pandemic. Lisa Grisim, RN, vice president and associate CIO at Stanford Medicine Children's Health, is quoted.

Vaccinated adults may have more freedom. But for kids, ‘the rules haven’t changed.’ The Washington Post 3/26/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.
Also see: WebMD, Scientific American, Mercury News

A boy, his brain, and a decades-long medical controversy Wired 3/26/21 This article describes pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS) and highlights the work of Jennifer Frankovich, MD, who serves as director of the Stanford PANS Research Program. Margo Thienemann, MD, is also featured.

Vaccines and summer travel: What families need to know The Washington Post 3/25/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.
Also see: NBC Bristol, VA (WCYB-TV)

Technology equality gap for kids’ diabetes treatment is growing Scope 3/24/21 As more children and teens with diabetes use technology to treat the disease, kids of lower socioeconomic status in the U.S. are being increasingly left behind. Ananta Addala, DO, MPH, lead author of the study, and David Maahs, MD, PhD, are featured in this piece.

Pandemic has many kids struggling with weight issues Health Day, U.S. News & World Report, WebMD 3/22/21 Life in a global pandemic has been difficult for children and teens who struggle with their weight. Whether they face anorexia nervosa or obesity, young people across the weight spectrum are finding that the restrictions of the pandemic make it harder to maintain a healthy weight. Elizabeth Shepard, MD, and Neville Golden, MD, are featured.
Also see: WTOP-FM (Washington D.C.),The World News

These 3 groups reportedly experience more COVID-19 vaccination side effects Today 3/22/21 Young people, women and people who have had the coronavirus report more side effects following COVID-19 vaccinations. Anne Liu, MD, is quoted.
Also see: People

CIO honors technology achievement with 2021 CIO 100 & Hall of Fame Awards IDG Communications press release 3/22/21 IDG Communications, Inc.’s annual US CIO 100 Awards recognizes Stanford Medicine Children's Health Mobile App Digital Transformation Journey as an innovative and inspiring example of how IT leadership, business partnerships and customer engagement set the organization up for success. Stanford Children’s Health is mentioned.

Asian American Attacks: Guide for parents struggling to explain hate crimes to children CBS Bay Area (KPIX-TV) 3/21/21 Recent attacks on Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders may leave parents struggling with how to have conversations about racism with their children. Stanford Children’s Health’s Mari Kurahashi, MD, offers expert advice on the subject.
Also see: CBS Bay Area, The Washington Post (Steven Sust, MD, is quoted).

This is what transgender teens need from their parents Fatherly 3/19/21 Tandy Aye, MD, discusses her latest research that showed for teens exploring their gender identity, simple acts of caring from their parents were what they valued most. The article also highlights a Stanford Children’s Health’s patient’s experience.
Also see: Greater Good Magazine

'These rules are harming children': Hundreds of CA doctors urge Newsom to decrease school distancing to 3 feet ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV) 3/19/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses the importance of kids returning to the classroom and the latest CDC safety protocols.

Why you shouldn't delay your child's wellness checks NBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV) sponsored content 3/18/21 Harry Huang, MD, discusses the importance of maintaining children’s wellness checks during the pandemic.

COVID antibodies detected in newborns, breast milk after moms are vaccinated ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV), ABC Raleigh, NC (WTVD-TV) 3/18/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Bay Area NBC (KNTV) Ronald Gibbs, MD, is quoted

The ‘Tamiflu’ approach to treating COVID-19 MedPage Today 3/18/21 The article gives an update on the oral antivirals in development for the treatment of COVID-19. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is mentioned.

How to manage your anger as a parent WebMD March 2021 For many, parenting throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased stress and anxiety in families. Mari Kurahashi, MD, is interviewed about ways parents can manage anger during these difficult times.

How to prepare kids to return to school in the Bay Area after a year out of classrooms San Francisco Chronicle 3/18/21 Barbara Bentley, MD, is quoted.

Kids will be the last to be vaccinated. When will it be safe to go on family vacations? NBC News; MSN 3/16/21 Seven health experts are asked to weigh in, including Grace Lee, MD.

Nearly half of parents said teens face new or worsening mental health issues during pandemic, poll says CNN 3/16/21 A recent survey of parents with children ages 13 to 18 analyzed teen mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, and aggressive behavior during the pandemic, and looked at how parents were helping teens cope and whether they believed their strategies were successful. Stephanie Clarke, PhD, is quoted in this article.

COVID-19 meant a year without the flu. That’s not all good news Wired 3/16/21 The most recent flu season was essentially non-existent. What does that mean for future flu seasons? Grace Lee, MD, provides comment.

COVID: Moderna begins testing vaccine on children CBS Bay Area (KPIX-TV) 3/16/21 Pharmaceutical company Moderna has begun its next phase to test the COVID-19 vaccine on children as young as 6 months old. Roughly 6,700 kids from 6 months to 11 years are part of the clinical trial. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.
Also see: San Francisco Chronicle

Trans girls belong on girls’ sports teams Scientific American 3/16/21 Opinion article, written by fellow Jack Turban, MD, supports the inclusion of transgender girls on female sports teams, and suggests there is no scientific evidence for excluding them.

How parents can best support their transgender child: Research study Where Parents Talk 3/15/21 Tandy Aye, MD, discusses her latest research that showed for teens exploring their gender identity, simple acts of caring from their parents were what they valued most.

Why the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine can make you feel lousy Mercury News 3/15/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: BGR

First case of Brazilian coronavirus variant P.1 detected in California Los Angeles Times 3/15/21 A San Bernardino County resident is the first in California to test positive for a COVID-19 variant from Brazil, which is believed to be more contagious than the most common strain of the virus. Benjamin Pinsky, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Mercury News

nView s1 completes first 25 cases at leading pediatric hospitals nView Medical-issued press release 3/15/21 The hospital is mentioned.
Also see: Becker’s Spine Review

When will we declare victory over COVID-19? Mercury News 3/13/21 Article discusses the possibility of completely eradicating COVID-19. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

People are keeping their vaccines secret The Atlantic 3/11/21 In the past three months, many Americans have delighted in sharing photo evidence of their receipt of the COVID-19 vaccine. Others have opted to keep their vaccine a secret. This article explores possible reasons for this, and includes comment from Grace Lee, MD.

We have COVID-19 vaccines, so how long will they protect you? CNET 3/11/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, addresses questions about how long the COVID-19 vaccines’ protection lasts, how protection may differ among individuals, and steps to take to maintain safety even after being vaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccines for children and teens are coming, experts say Los Angeles Times 3/10/21 Infectious disease experts project that high school students will likely be able to be vaccinated by the fall. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses next steps for clinical trials in teens and children.

Navigating this fragile and hopeful moment in the COVID-19 pandemic KQED 3/10/2021 Segment features Yvonne Maldonado, MD, who offers insight into the current moment in the pandemic's trajectory.

Why doctors are concerned about injuries — not just COVID — upon prep sports return to California Mercury News 3/10/21 As California high school sports quickly ramp up for the spring season after a months-long layoff due to the pandemic, students are facing increased risk of sports-related injuries. Kevin Shea, MD, is interviewed.

Follow these pediatrician-approved tips to make sure your child is getting enough sleep PopSugar (sponsored content) 3/10/21 Joelle McConlogue, MD, is featured.

How America’s vaccine system makes people with health problems fight for a place in line New York Times 3/9/21 At least 37 states now allow people with certain health conditions to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, but there is variation by state over which health conditions are prioritized. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV), Becker’s Hospital Review

CDC: Here’s what vaccinated people can do: gather, give hugs and more Mercury News 3/8/21 Article discusses the CDC’s guidelines for vaccinated people and quotes Yvonne Maldonado, MD.

Long-term repercussions of postponing care due to COVID-19 Infectious Disease Advisor 3/8/21 The hospital is mentioned.

COVID-19 vaccine side effects: What's normal and what to look out for CNET 3/7/21 Roshni Mathew, MD, is featured.

Stanford infectious disease expert touts vaccine safety The Stanford Daily 3/7/21 The coronavirus vaccine is safe, effective and could be available to college students by summer, Yvonne Maldonado, MD, told Stanford students during a COVID-19 vaccine Q&A hosted by the Senior Class Cabinet.

‘We’re vaccinated. Everyone wants to visit. Now what?’ Wired 3/5/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

COVID vaccines: East San Jose roller rink transformed into mass vaccination site CBS Bay Area (KPIX-TV) 3/5/21 Stanford Health Care and the County of Santa Clara are partnering to further expand access to vaccination for people in areas disproportionately affected by COVID-19 through a new mass vaccination clinic at Eastridge Mall in East San Jose. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, delivered remarks during a press conference.
Also see: ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV), NBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV), Fox Bay Area (KTVU-TV), KTSF-TV, KCBS Radio, Telemundo, Mercury News and Mountain View Voice

9 recent donations to health care organizations Becker’s Hospital Review 3/5/21 The transformational gift from Elizabeth and Bruce Dunlevie to support a new labor and delivery unit at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, and further the Maternal-Fetal Medicine program at Stanford Medicine, is mentioned in this article.

Once-cautious Bay Area counties moving swiftly to reopen. What's going on? San Francisco Chronicle 3/4/2021 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, provides comment on how new variants of the virus are appearing at a more rapid pace.

Mercedian at Fresno State earns top community service scholarship Merced County Times 3/3/21 Packard Children’s Hospital patient and former Summer Scamper Patient Hero Lucca Lorenzi is featured.
Also see: Fresno State News

2021 Asia Game Changer West Awards Virtual Gala Asia Society The Asia Game Changer West Awards recognize individuals, organizations, and movements that have inspired, enlightened, and shown leadership in areas that reflect Asia Society’s core pillars of policy and business, arts and culture, and education. Grace Lee, MD, is one of four recipients of this year’s awards. She will be recognized in a virtual gala on April 8, 2021.

Heart transplant survivor, 16, uses $5K Make-A-Wish to give back to hospital that saved her life 3/3/21 When 16-year-old heart transplant recipient, Athena Tran, received a Make-A-Wish, she decided to pay it forward, literally. Athena used her Wish to donate $5,000 to the Hospital School at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, where she spent months receiving support with her studies while being hospitalized for treatment for restrictive cardiomyopathy, and eventually, a heart transplant.

Single shot of two-dose COVID-19 vaccine can prevent serious illness and death Los Angeles Times 3/3/21 A first look at the potential effect of stretching limited COVID-19 vaccine supplies has found that just one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 60% to 70% effective at preventing symptomatic disease in people age 70 and older. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: AAP News

Saving Isabella’s brain—and her spirit The Washington Post (sponsored content) 3/2/21 When specialists at Stanford Children’s Health found a tumor in Isabella’s pituitary stalk, and later a rare type of brain cancer called a germinoma, they kick-started a years-long process to treat her tumor, while at the same time helping her navigate a complex health process ensuring that, no matter what treatment she received, she would be comfortable—and would not lose her spark. Laura Bachrach, MD, Sonia Partap, MD, Gerald Grant, MD, FACS, are quoted, and Susan Hiniker, MD, is mentioned.

Bay Area coronavirus deaths fall 33% in February vs. January San Francisco Chronicle 3/2/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Stanford Medicine conducts over half a million COVID-19 tests The Stanford Daily 3/2/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, discusses how the pandemic has evolved, cutting edge testing, and how his lab is targeting future forms of COVID-19.

Small doses Stanford Magazine 3/2021 Kari Nadeau, MD, PhD, discusses transforming the treatment of food allergies; one method is by conducting clinical trials to desensitize people to multiple food allergies at once and another is applying multi-allergen oral therapies.

Diagnosing autism in the pandemic The New York Times 3/1/21 Autism spectrum disorder is often suspected when young children stand out as being different from their peers. That can be much harder in this isolated time. Heidi Feldman, MD, PhD, is quoted.

Vaccinating by age groups is unfair, particularly to minorities, advisory panel tells CDC USA Today 3/1/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses how equity has to be as important as efficiency when it comes to dispersing the vaccine.
Also see: ProPublica, The Stanford Daily

With ACIP vote, J&J Covid-19 vaccine is ready to roll Physicians Weekly 3/1/20 ACIP and Dr. Anthony Fauci urge people to take whatever shot they can get and adhere to mitigation efforts. Insufficient evidence exists to support any strategy where patients either delay their second dose or only receive one dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.
Also see: MedPageToday

February 2021

Do coronavirus tests work on variants? San Francisco Chronicle 2/28/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, is quoted.
Also see: The Stanford Daily

Bay Area Children’s Hospital is new home to American Heart Association hands-only CPR training kiosk KCBS 2/27/21 (scroll 00:43:25-00:44:43) Lynda Knight, MSN, RN, nurse-educator and program director of the Revive Initiative for Resuscitation Excellence, is quoted.
Also see: Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5), Bay Area FOX (KTVU 2)

At-home COVID testing is here The New York Times 2/26/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses different types of at-home COVID testing kits, turnaround time and why results of these tests should always be confirmed by a clinical test.

How food traditions nourish new moms New York Times 2/25/21 Jennifer Conti, MD, is quoted.

Golf without Woods? Battered leg brings it closer to reality Associated Press 2/24/21 Michael Gardner, MD, discusses the likelihood of Tiger Woods returning to professional golf.

How a Facebook group for people who can’t smell handled the COVID rush Mashable 2/24/21 Zara Patel, MD, is mentioned.

As trials ramp up, doctors stress need to vaccinate kids against COVID-19 Science Magazine 2/23/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses the importance of vaccinating kids against COVID-19, when it may happen, and how necessary vaccines will be to reopen schools safely.
Also see: Bay Area Parent, Medscape

Santa Clara County unveils plans for a $233M psychiatric hospital serving kids and adults Mountain View Voice, Palo Alto Online 2/23/21 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital is mentioned.

Discussing COVID-19 variants Bay Area CBS (KPIX 5) 2/22/21 Anne Liu, MD, discusses the COVID-19 variants that originated in the U.S., and the new CDC guidelines allowing those who are fully vaccinated to skip quarantine if they're exposed.

Stanford Children’s new CNO advocates holistic healthcare HealthLeaders 2/22/21 Jesus Cepero, PhD, chief nursing officer, suggests nurse leaders can integrate holistic care by assessing their organization's awareness of the holistic approaches that consumers demand.

Air pollution puts children at higher risk of disease in adulthood, according to Stanford researchers and others Stanford News 2/22/21 A new Stanford-led study reveals evidence that early exposure to dirty air alters genes in a way that could lead to adult heart disease, among other ailments. The findings could change the way medical experts and parents think about the air children breathe and inform clinical interventions. Mary Prunicki, MD, PhD, and Kari Nadeau, MD, PhD, are quoted.

More children suffer ailment linked to virus after Bay Area’s winter surge in infections San Francisco Chronicle 2/20/21 Alan Schroeder, MD, discusses the latest national and local surge in the coronavirus-linked multi-inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) in kids.

Sacramento newborn survives rare heart transplant NBC Sacramento (KCRA 4) 2/19/21 Packard Children’s patient Barbarita Acosta celebrated her first birthday with a new heart. The infant was born with neonatal lupus, a rare condition that attacked her heart. Seth Hollander, MD, is featured.

What gene editing can do for humankind Wall Street Journal 2/19/21 CRISPR offers the prospect of defeating lethal viruses and curing genetic diseases. Matthew Porteus, MD, is quoted.

4 things I loved about Stanford’s popular online nutrition and cooking class – and why it’s worth signing up for Business Insider 2/19/21 Article describes “Introduction to Food and Health,” an online course taught by Maya Adam, MD.

Research finds link between hair loss drug finasteride and depression Healthline 2/18/21 Recent reports suggest a link between use of the hair loss medication Propecia and the incidence of depression, including suicidal ideation and other negative health effects among users. Justin Ko, MD, is quoted.

Stanford Medicine gets $80M gift to support maternal Palo Alto Online 2/17/21 Transformational gift from Elizabeth and Bruce Dunlevie to support a new labor and delivery unit at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, and further the Maternal-Fetal Medicine program at Stanford Medicine. Yasser El-Sayed, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Silicon Valley Business Journal, InMenlo, The Stanford Daily (quotes Paul King, president and CEO of Stanford Children’s Health), Climate Online, Bay Area FOX (KTVU 2)

You’ve been vaccinated, now what? Half Moon Bay Review, 2/17/21 Grace Lee, MD, emphasizes there are many things we still do not know about the vaccine, and it is important to stay vigilant, to continue practice social distancing, wearing a mask, and exercising caution.

Babies born too early likely to face educational and lifelong behavioral setbacks Stanford News 2/16/21 Lee Sanders, MD, and his Stanford colleagues found that after adjusting for socioeconomic status and compared with full-term births, moderate and late preterm births are associated with increased risk of low performance in mathematics and English language arts, as well as chronic absenteeism and suspension from school.

COVID-19 vaccine trial to begin on children as young as 6, youngest group yet to be tested ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV) 2/16/21 A coronavirus vaccine trial for youth ages 6 to 17 is starting this month in the UK, marking the first time a coronavirus vaccine has been tested on anyone younger than 12. Alan Schroeder, MD, is interviewed.

8-year-old Kaiya Mack using music to raise $15k for Ronald McDonald House Charities Bay Area ABC (KGO-TV) 2/16/21 Stanford Children’s Health is mentioned.

Stanford Medicine gets $80M gift to support maternal, pediatric care Becker’s Hospital Review 2/16/21 Additional media coverage of the transformational gift from Elizabeth and Bruce Dunlevie. Yasser El-Sayed, MD, is quoted.
Also see: Philanthropy Digest, Mountain View Post

Remote cardiological care in children with Drs. Seda Tierney and Scott Ceresnak HCPLive 2/16/21 Podcast episode features Seda Tierney, MD, and Scott Ceresnak, MD, who discuss the potential of remote monitoring among pediatric populations as well as the role of telehealth in cardiology, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaccine distribution not equitable for Blacks, Latinos in California, preliminary data shows ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV) 2/15/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

If you’re fully vaccinated, you probably don’t need to quarantine if exposed to COVID-19 Healthline 2/15/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is interviewed.

California urgently needs to ramp up genomic sequencing to look for coronavirus variants. But it won’t be easy. San Francisco Chronicle 2/15/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, discusses the urgent need to detect mutations to the coronavirus that may hinder efforts to control the pandemic.

Relief as California expands vaccine eligibility Fox Bay Area (KTVU-TV) 2/13/21 State officials announced that they are expanding eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine to people with certain health conditions between ages of 16 and 64 starting March 15. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is interviewed.
Also see: ABC Bay Area (KGO-TV)

Sore after getting the COVID-19 vaccine? Here’s how to manage the side effects 2/12/21 This piece discusses COVID-19 vaccine side effects and quotes Yvonne Maldonado, MD.

A more equitable vaccine line Los Angeles Times 2/12/21 Health experts discuss some of the ethical implications of California’s expanded vaccination program, which starting next month will include Californians age 16 or older who are disabled or at high risk for sickness and death from COVID-19. Alyssa Burgart, MD, is quoted.

State issues new plan for reopening schools KRON-TV 2/12/21 Anne Liu, MD, is interviewed.

Strep A and tic worsening: Final word? Medscape 2/12/21 Exposure to Group A streptococcus (GAS) does not appear to worsen symptoms of Tourette syndrome and other chronic tic disorders (CTDs) in children and adolescents, new research suggests. Margo Thienemann, MD, who was not involved in the study, is quoted.

The next phase for COVID vaccines? Vaccines for children KFI-AM (Los Angeles) 2/10/21 Roshni Mathew, MD, is featured in this interview about pediatric vaccine trials and when a viable vaccine for children under 16 may be available.

Leading on innovation and quality care in a pandemic with CIO of Stanford Children’s Health This Week in HealthIT 2/12/21 Podcast features Ed Kopetsky, chief information officer for Stanford Children’s Health, who discusses the role of digital health during the pandemic, the biggest challenges facing pediatric health in California today, the 21st Century Cures Act, and more.

Taxing our lungs: What wildfire smoke is doing to our bodies Bay Area NBC (KNTV-TV) 2/11/21 Mary Prunicki, MD, PhD, is quoted.

Despite blood supplies critically low, some gay men still cannot donate plasma NPR 2/11/21 Suchi Pandey, MD, provides comment.

Six best baby cribs for every style, space, and budget Fatherly 2/11/21 Sumit Bhargava, MD, discusses safe sleep spaces for babies.

WHO: Both COVID-19 vaccines OK if you’re pregnant VeryWell Health 2/10/21 An overview of recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant women. Ronald Gibbs, MD, is quoted.

South Africa coronavirus variant that reduces vaccine efficacy found in two Bay Area counties San Francisco Chronicle 2/10/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, heads the Stanford lab that found the variants through a process that screened positive coronavirus samples for specific mutations, and is quoted in the article.
Also see: Mercury News, Palo Alto Weekly

Ask an expert: Dr. Yvonne Maldonado KCBS Radio 2/9/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses the latest updates on COVID-19, the new variants, and how the ramp up of vaccinations is going.

Parents grapple with reality that young children won’t be vaccinated soon Washington Post 2/6/21 While COVID-19 vaccine trials are recruiting or already underway for children 12 and older, companies have yet to enroll younger children in the U.S. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted in this article.
Also see: NBC Nightly News, ProPublica

Valentine’s Day is coming. Is indoor dining safe right now? 2/5/21 Experts caution that directly linking restaurant reopenings to major holidays and events could lead to more COVID-19 cases just as the cases associated with holiday gatherings are starting to go down. Anne Liu, MD, is quoted.

A voice of science: Dr. Grace Lee California Teachers Association 2/5/21 Grace Lee, MD, is featured in this Q&A about California’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout, safety, and the impact for educators.

Youth learn more about theatre careers in TheatreWorks’ OPENING THE CURTAIN Broadway World 2/5/21 Lucile Packard Children's Hospital is mentioned.

A rocky road on the way to herd immunity for COVID-19 NPR 2/3/21 Kari Nadeau, MD, PhD, is quoted.

Inside the California lab tracking coronavirus variants NBC Nightly News 2/3/21 Stanford researchers are leading the way in screening and diagnosing samples of COVID-19 variants from the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Brazil. Benjamin Pinsky, MD, is featured in this segment.
Also see: Associated PressUnivision, CalMatters, Jewish News of Northern California, WXYZ (Detroit)

Here’s what Bay Area experts say you should and shouldn’t do after getting vaccinated San Francisco Chronicle 2/3/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is featured.

The match and COVID: Stolen interviews, swag bags, and stress Medscape 2/3/21 Article describes differences in the medical school match process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kate Shaw, MD, is interviewed.

Helping Mathias breathe The Washington Post (sponsored content) 2/2/21 A multidisciplinary team of doctors from the hospital’s Cardiac and Respiratory Care for Infants with BPD program (CRIB) created a comprehensive, personalized plan to save a young boy born prematurely and with severe health issues. Rachel Hopper, MD, and Shazia Bhombal, MD, are quoted, and Michael Tracy, MD, and Doug Sidell, MD, are mentioned.

Dr. Anne Liu on various questions surrounding COVID vaccines KSRO-FM 2/2/21 Anne Liu, MD, is interviewed.

California’s vaccine rollout still patchy despite Biden’s expansion Newsweek 2/2/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses the need for more vaccine supply in order to rollout Governor Newsom’s revamped vaccine delivery system and President Joe Biden’s distribution expansion.
Also see: Newsweek (features Yvonne Maldonado, MD)

California faces ‘real’ chance of another surge as coronavirus variants spread San Francisco Chronicle 2/2/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, PhD, discusses the need to remain vigilant and monitor these variants to know when they are becoming more common.
Also see: KCBS Radio

Vaccine facts for pregnant and nursing women Bay Area Parent 2/1/21 Ronald Gibbs, MD, provides the latest recommendations, risks, and expectations about pregnant women getting the vaccine.

Virtual reality could soon be part of your IBD care Everyday Health 2/1/21 VR-based mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress and pain in IBD patients, potentially helping them manage flares and tackle anxiety. Ana Wren, MD, is quoted.

‘So angry, so scared’: California COVID-19 vaccine rollout change leaves disabled people behind, say advocates KQED 2/1/21 Alyssa Burgart, MD, discusses the need for more data and to balance equity and efficiency to protect and vaccinate high risk disabled patients.
Also see: Los Angeles Times

Second dose of COVID-19 vaccine may lead to most of the side effects KCBS Radio 2/1/21 Anne Liu, MD, is featured.

Essential workers get lost in the vaccine scrum as states prioritize the elderly The Washington Post 2/1/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses the need to have both efficiency and equity to “ensure that we are accountable for how we’re delivering vaccine.”

Kids and the coronavirus vaccine Bay Area Parent 2/1/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses the latest on the vaccine for children, and how necessary will vaccines be to reopen schools safely.

Virtual reality could soon be part of your IBD care Everyday Health 2/1/21 VR-based mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress and pain in IBD patients, potentially helping them manage flares and tackle anxiety. Ana Wren, PhD, is quoted.

Bariatric surgery viable choice for younger adolescents MedPage Today 2/1/21 Janey Pratt, MD, discusses the latest study from a NIH funded Teen-Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery (Teen-LABS) that shows adolescents with extreme obesity can benefit from bariatric surgery.

Building a resilient supply chain The Journal of Healthcare Contracting February 2021 This cover story profiles Amanda Chawla, vice president of supply chain, who describes how the supply chain developed and implemented unique solutions to challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

January 2021

The hunt for COVID variants ABC News 1/30/21 Benjamin Pinsky, MD, PhD, discusses the two strains that were discovered among hundreds of samples collected in the Bay Area.
Also see: Los Angeles Times, Bay Area ABC (KGO), Bay Area NBC (KNTV), KRON 4, The Mercury News, The Stanford Daily, Popular Science, Stanford Medicine News Center

Johnson & Johnson says its one-shot COVID vaccine is 85% effective Bay Area CBS (KPIX) 1/30/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

U.S. State of California reports second highest number of COVID-19 deaths ABC News (Australia) 1/29/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is interviewed.

Why kids matter in the quest to stamp out Covid-19 WIRED 1/29/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses the need to vaccinate children and how the inoculation can protect an entire population.

Children’s hospitals battle COVID-19, surging mental health needs U.S. News and World Report 1/29/21 Dennis Lund, MD, discusses the insufficient resources to deal with mental and behavioral health challenges that young people are experiencing as a result of COVID-19 and how children’s hospitals are doubling down on improving equitable care.

January 29, 2021: The challenges of distributing the Covid-19 vaccine equitably, Black identity in the White House and beyond, and our weekly roundtable unpacks the first set of Biden-Harris executive orders. Our Body Politic! 1/29/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses what must be done to distribute vaccines equitably.

Don’t call it a comeback: School districts that never opened are having trouble now NPR 1/27/21 Grace Lee, MD, discusses that with multiple layers of precautions, including masking, distancing, handwashing and ventilation, schools can be relatively safe; the vaccine is one more layer.

3 questions with Paul King, president and CEO of Stanford Medicine Children's Health Becker’s Hospital Review 1/26/21 Paul King, president and CEO of Stanford Children’s Health, discusses ways to support people across the health care industry, including patients, by embracing technology to close care gaps, improve the patient experience and help reduce variability.

Coronavirus variants will prolong the pandemic. But here’s how it could end San Francisco Chronicle 1/24/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses how eventually the virus will either mutate to become less severe and/or the population will develop some degree of immunity to the coronavirus.

Stanford Children’s Health: A comprehensive approach to care for a child with a neurological condition Neurology Live 1/23/21 Gerald Grant, MD, FACS, and Paul Fisher, MD, provide tips on successful pediatric neuroscience practices—from fostering collaboration across departments, to optimizing the patient experience with technology.

‘Connect with one another’: Stanford medical professionals moonlight as performers amid COVID-19 pandemic Bay Area ABC (KGO) 1/22/21 Matias Bruzoni, MD, and Raji Koppolu, NP, are among a group of Stanford health care professionals partaking in virtual performances known as the Stuck@Home Concert series.

Getting answers: Questions about COVID-19, vaccines? Bay Area ABC (KGO) 1/22/21 Grace Lee, MD, responds to live interview questions about the latest on COVID-19, different variants, and vaccines.
Also see: TBS Seoul, Korea, TBS YouTube

Growing number of children getting infected with COVID-19: Report Bay Area NBC (KNTV), Bay Area Telemundo 1/22/21 Claire del Signore, MD, discusses the need for more medical research to determine next steps for administering the coronavirus vaccine to children.

Data from twins suggests that gut bacteria are important in food allergies Scope 1/22/21 Kari Nadeau, MD, PhD, is featured.

President Biden addresses coronavirus pandemic on first day of presidency Bay Area NBC (KNTV) 1/21/21 Grace Lee, MD, is featured.

Stanford Health Care opens COVID-19 vaccines to patients over 65 The Stanford Daily 1/20/21 Dennis Lund, MD, is mentioned.

Biden’s COVID plan will define his presidency Wired 1/20/21 In this article, Grace Lee, MD, advocates for a thoughtful approach to the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, to ensure an equitable implementation.
Also see: The New Republic

How a collaborative medical effort saved a baby’s liver—and her life Washington Post 1/19/21 This sponsored article from the Washington Post tells the story of the way gastroenterologists, rheumatologists and other specialists at Stanford Children’s Health came together to provide a first-ever treatment for one young infant’s rare condition. Christy Sandborg, MD; Sohail Husain, MD; and Noelle Ebel, MD, are featured.

California braces for troubling new variant as U.S. nears 400,000 deaths San Francisco Chronicle 1/19/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

Investors eye U.S. stimulus Bloomberg “Surveillance” Podcast 1/19/21 Podcast features Grace Lee, MD, who discusses Covid-19 vaccine safety, efficacy and trials for children.

Hospital capacity in the Cupertino area: See latest numbers 1/19/21 The hospital is mentioned.

Allergic reactions to Moderna vaccine batch cause a pause from health officials Fox Bay Area (KTVU-TV) 1/18/21 California has stopped administering one batch of the Moderna vaccine after state officials say a higher-than-usual number of possible allergic reactions were reported in Southern California. Anne Liu, MD, is quoted.
Also see: KRON-TV (Hayley Gans, MD, is quoted)

Children are the next frontier for COVID vaccine clinical trials Southern California Newsgroup; East Bay Times 1/17/21 Experts discuss the importance of including children in clinical trials for the COVID vaccine. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

‘Let them Play’ rallies urge reopening of schools, sports in Bay Area Fox Bay Area (KTVU-TV) 1/15/21 Community members have organized “Let them Play” rallies at more than a dozen Bay Area sites in the hopes of allowing young people to resume sports and school this year. Erin Grieb, MD, is quoted.

Stanford tries to get ahead of growing frustration over vaccines NBC Bay Area (KNTV-TV) 1/15/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

COVID-19 vaccines: Experts answer commonly asked questions about availability, timeline Yahoo! 1/14/21 In this piece, experts weigh in on some of the common questions people have about the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine rollouts. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

Chutes & Ladders—YouTube nabs former CVS exec; Highmark appoints chief inclusion officer FierceHealthcare 1/14/21 Article highlights the appointment of physician-scientist and clinician Lawrence (Lance) S. Prince, MD, PhD, as Chief of the Division of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine, as well as Professor of Pediatrics.

Sex education outside U.S. cities more apt to lack facts about HIV MedScape 1/13/21 Geoffrey Hart-Cooper, MD, discusses the need for clinicians to discuss sexual health in general, and HIV prevention and screening with young patients.

Amid surges, teachers line up for their vaccines NPR 1/13/21 Experts discuss the importance of vaccinating teachers and other educators to help reopen schools safely. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

Moderna needs at least 3,000 adolescent volunteers for its COVID-19 vaccine trial. They’re struggling to find them. USA Today 1/13/21 Not enough adolescents are signing up for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine trial, a federal official said this week, potentially delaying vaccine authorization for this age group. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

COVID-19 shutdown results in fewer cases of other diseases this winter KCBS Radio 1/13/21 Amidst the COVID-19 shutdowns, doctors have seen fewer cases of other common viruses, such as colds, flu and gastrointestinal problems. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is featured.

Some Bay Area health care workers declining COVID vaccine; some are changing their minds Mercury News 1/13/21 Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

Creative eating with toddlers Life Your Way 1/13/21 Stanford Children’s Health is mentioned.

States told to vaccinate everyone 65 and over as deaths surge New York Times 1/12/21 The Trump administration instructed states last week to immediately begin vaccinating every American 65 and older, as well as adults with medical conditions that put them at higher risk of dying from coronavirus infection. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

California promises a million immunizations in ten days KQED Forum 1/11/21 California announced plans earlier this month to administer the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine to a million people in the course of only ten days. The decision came as the state continues to see a surge in cases, and as it faces criticism over a slow vaccine rollout for health care workers and nursing home residents. Grace Lee, MD, is featured on the panel.
Also see: San Francisco Chronicle (features Yvonne Maldonado, MD)

‘Everywhere you look, people are infected’: COVID’s toll on California Latinos The Guardian 1/11/21 Article discusses how COVID-19 has disproportionately affected the Latinx population, particularly in California. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Meet Jalen, the first baby born in 2021 at Stanford Palo Alto Online 1/9/21 The story of the first of seven babies born at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford on the first day of 2021.

Here’s how the U.S. can jump-start its sluggish COVID-19 vaccine rollout NPR 1/8/21 U.S. COVID-19 vaccination programs are off to a slow start, but with more funding, better coordination and public awareness campaigns, things could speed up, experts say. Grace Lee, MD, is quoted.

COVID surge: Sonoma County prepares for worst with ‘mobile morgue’ trailer CBS Bay Area (KPIX-TV) 1/8/21 Roshni Matthew, MD, is quoted.

COVID-19 town hall panelists field questions about school safety, virus mutations AAP News 1/8/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Was the Capitol siege a COVID super-spreader event? Here’s what experts say San Francisco Chronicle 1/7/21 Experts warn that the invasion on the U.S. Capitol contained elements of a COVID-19 super-spreader event: hundreds of people congregated together from all over the country, mostly maskless, yelling for prolonged periods of time, many of whom would be traveling back to their communities, increasing the risk of multiple surges. Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

Sleep reset 2021: Getting your sleep back to normal MSN 1/6/21 Children and parents alike are experiencing pandemic-related sleep issues. Caroline Okorie, MD, shares tips to help revitalize sleep time and put sleep disruption to rest.

Sleep reset 2021: Getting your sleep back to normal U.S. News and World Report 1/6/21 Children and parents alike are experiencing pandemic-related sleep issues. Caroline Okorie, MD, shares tips to help revitalize sleep time and put sleep disruption to rest.

New chief of the division of neonatology and developmental medicine appointed by Stanford Children’s Health PR Newswire, Stanford Children’s Health News Center 1/6/21 Physician-scientist and clinician Lawrence (Lance) S. Prince, MD, PhD, has been appointed Chief of the Division of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine, as well as Professor of Pediatrics. He will also serve as Co-director of the Johnson Center for Pregnancy and Newborn Services at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, together with Co-director Yasser El-Sayed, MD, Obstetrician in Chief.

CA dentists given emergency waiver to distribute COVID-19 vaccine KCBS Radio 1/5/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, is quoted.

What’s happening to the flu? Doctors explain impact of COVID-19 precautions in California Bay Area ABC (KGO 7) 1/5/21 Yvonne Maldonado, MD, discusses possible reasons why we are not seeing an increase in flu cases this year and why it is still important to get the flu shot.

Telehealth offers way to deliver PrEP to HIV patients Managed Healthcare Executive 1/5/21 Article features the Stanford Virtual PrEP Program, designed to expand access to HIV prevention for adolescents using telehealth to connect youth with trained sexual health providers.
Also see:

Young transplant survivor uses her new heart of gold to give back NBC California Live 1/4/21 Segment profiles a Packard Children’s heart transplant patient who used her Make-A-Wish to give back to the Hospital School, which had a profound effect on her while she was an inpatient.

What drove the drop in kids’ asthma ER visits at a Boston hospital during lockdown? NPR 1/4/21 Alan Schroeder, MD, discusses possible trends, such as environmental and behavioral changes, as to reasons why hospitals are seeing a decrease in asthma ER visits since the pandemic started.

How Taiwan plans to stay (mostly) Covid-free New York Times 1/2/21 C. Jason Wang, MD, is quoted.