Sonia Partap

Sonia Partap, MD

Neuro-Oncology, Department of Neurology | Clinical Professor

Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology

Servicios especializados Mary L. Johnson
Pediatric Neurology
730 Welch Road, Ste 206
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Teléfono: (650) 723-0993
Fax: (650) 721-6350

“My work has given me a greater appreciation for life.”

Mi acercamiento

I love working with kids because they are playful and fun to be around. I don't think people realize how perceptive children are! They're incredibly wise. I am always honest with my patients and their families, and I try to appease their worries when I can. I try to be both realistic and hopeful. That's how I approach every patient, no matter what the situation is.

The doctorpatient relationship is unique. I build long-lasting relationships on a foundation of trust. I'm honored that my patients and families trust me. I love watching children grow up. It's a unique opportunity to be part of someone's life through both the good and bad times. After a while, you become part of someone's family — I even get to watch Disney movies with my patients! The biggest compliment for me is when parents tell me that I'm their kid's favorite doctor and that their child loves coming to see me. That feels so nice to hear.


Servicios especializados Mary L. Johnson
Pediatric Neurology

730 Welch Road, Ste 206

Palo Alto, CA 94304

Mapas, direcciones y estacionamiento

Teléfono : (650) 723-0993

Fax : (650) 721-6350

Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford
Pediatric Neuro Oncology

725 Welch Road

Palo Alto, CA 94304

Mapas, direcciones y estacionamiento

Teléfono : (650) 497-8000

Fax : (650) 497-8101

Trabajo y educación


University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine Registrar, Kansas City, MO, 05/31/2000

Últimos años de residencia

Brown University Hospitals, Providence, RI, 06/30/2002

Childrens Hospital and Regional Medical Center Fellowships, Seattle, WA, 06/30/2006

Certificado(s) de especialidad

Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 2007

Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, 2007

Neuro-Oncology, United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties, 2011



