Claire Abrajano

Claire Abrajano, NP


Stanford Hospital
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Teléfono: (650) 723-4000


Trabajo y educación


MSN, UCLA School of Nursing, Los Angeles, CA, 1998

Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nurse Education Program, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA

Pediatric Colorectal Problems Workshop, The Peña Colorectal Center at Cincinnati Children s, Cincinnati, OH

RN First Assistant Program, The National Institute of First Assisting, Inc.

Certificado(s) de especialidad

CPNP-primary care: Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB)

RNFA: The National Institute of First Assisting (NIFA)

Honores y premios

Stanford University School of Nursing Alumnae: Legacy Project Grant: Use of Silver Dressings for Post Cardiac Sternotomy Incisions in the Pediatric Patient to Decrease Surgical Site Infections. (2009)

LPCH Advanced Practice Nurse Scholars Program: Bowel Management Regimen for Patients with ARM or Hirshsprung s Disease with Fecal Incontinence (2014)

LPCH Grace Award Special Honoree (2008)

Stanford Friends of Nursing Grant: Ins and Outs of Gastrostomy Tube Care (2004)

Intereses de investigación

Abdominal wall defects (ie gastroschisis and omphalocele)


Bowel management in patients with anorectal malformations and Hirschsprung s disease


Dambkowski, C., Abrajano, C., & Wall, J. (2015). Ultrasound-guided percutaneous vein access for placement of Broviac catheters in extremely low birth weight neonates: a series of 3 successful cases. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, accepted for publication.

Wright, R., Abrajano, C., Koppolu, R., & Stevens, M.E., Nyznyk, S., Chao, S., Bruzoni, M., & Wall, J. (2014) Initial results of endoscopic gastrocutaneous fistula closure in children using an over-the-scope clip. Journal of Laparoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques Jan 2015, Vol. 25, No. 1:69-72

2011 Beauman, S, Ikuta, L. National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN): Policies, Procedures and Competencies for Neonatal Nursing Care. 2011. (Acknowledged contributor)

Oct 2009 Riboh, J., Abrajano, C., Davis, K., Hartman, G., Butler, M., Albanese, C., Sylvester, K., Dutta. Outcomes of sutureless gastroschisis closure. J Pediatric Surgery. 2009 Oct; 44 (10): 1947 51.

Aug 2008 Davis, A., Blumenfeld, Y., Rubesova, E., Abrajano, C., El-Sayed, Y., Dutta, S., Barth, R., Hintz, S. Challenges of giant omphalocele: from fetal diagnosis to follow-up. NeoReviews. 2008 Aug; 9(8): e338- e347.

June 2007 Slater B, Rangel S, Ramamoorthy C, Abrajano C, Albanese CT. Outcomes after laparoscopic surgery in neonates with hypoplastic heart left heart syndrome. J Pediatric Surgery. 2007 Jun;42(6):1118-21

June 2005 Mariano ER, Boltz MG, Albanese CT, Abrajano CT, Ramamoorthy C. Management of infants with palliated hypoplastic left heart syndrome undergoing laparoscopic nissen fundoplication. Anesth Analg. 2005 Jun;100(6):1631-3.

July/Aug 2004 McLane KM, Bookout K, McCord S, McCain J, Jefferson LS. The 2003 national pediatric pressure ulcer and skin breakdown prevalence survey: a multisite study. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing. 2004 Jul-Aug; 31(4):168-78. (Acknowledgement for WOCN/LPCH participation in prevalence study)

